MapGuide Open Source项目组高兴的宣布,MapGuide Open Source 2.0.0已经可供下载使用了。在众多的改进中,这个版本最重要的特性就是集成了Fusion,Fusion是一个灵活的可扩展的系统,使得应用程序的表现层和功能模块分开。
Submitted by tfukushima on Fri, 2008-02-29 04:26.
The MapGuide Open Source project team is pleased to make MapGuide Open Source 2.0.0 available. Among the many enhancements, the main feature in this release is the integration of Fusion; a flexible, extensible templating system that provides the ability to separate application presentation from its functional components.
A full summary of the new features as well as updated components can be found on our milestone page.