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WinFX, Indigo, Workflow 特性之翻译

"Windows Presentation Foundation", "Windows Communication Foundation", and "Windows Workflow Foundation" are the names for three strategic developer technologies that Microsoft plans to ship in 2006 as part of the Windows Vista operating system. In addition, Microsoft is making these technologies available on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The WinFX Runtime Components Beta 2 enables developers to continue experimenting with early builds of these technologies, get acquainted with the development experience, and provide Microsoft with feedback. More details about these technologies are below.

Please note that the License Agreement in this pre-release version of WinFX Runtime Components does not allow usage in a live operating environment. Information about Go-Live possibilities for WinFX Runtime Components can be found here.

Note: This is a beta release. Therefore, do not install these builds on machines you depend on. If you have a previous version of Avalon ("Windows Presentation Foundation"), Indigo ("Windows Communication Foundation"), or pre-released versions of .NET Framework 2.0 installed you must read this before download.

"Windows Communication Foundation" is the name for Microsoft’s unified programming model for building connected systems, formerly known as code-name "Indigo". It extends the .NET Framework 2.0 with additional APIs for building secure, reliable, transacted Web services that interoperate with non-Microsoft platforms and integrate with existing investments. By combining the functionality of existing Microsoft distributed application technologies (ASMX, .NET Remoting, .NET Enterprise Services, Web Services Enhancements, and System.Messaging), Indigo delivers a single development framework that improves developer productivity and reduces organizations’ time to market.

"Windows Presentation Foundation" is the name for Microsoft's unified presentation subsystem for Windows, formerly known as "Avalon". It consists of a display engine and a managed-code framework. "Windows Presentation Foundation" unifies how Windows creates, displays, and manipulates documents, media, and user interface. This enables developers and designers to create visually-stunning, differentiated user experiences that improve customer connection. When delivered, "Windows Presentation Foundation" will become Microsoft's strategic user interface (UI) technology.

"Windows Workflow Foundation" is the name for Microsoft's strategic programming model for building workflow enabled applications. It consists of a managed-code framework and designers for Visual Studio .NET. Windows Workflow Foundation includes both system workflow and human workflow. It supports a wide range of scenarios including: workflow within line of business applications, page-flow, document-centric workflow, workflow for service oriented applications and workflow for systems management. The Windows Workflow Foundation developer experience is consistent with existing WinFX technologies and includes support for VB and C#, debugging, a graphical workflow designer and the ability to write your workflow completely in code. Windows Workflow Foundation also provides an extensible model and designer to build custom activities which encapsulate workflow functionality for end-users or for re-use across multiple projects. Windows Workflow Foundation will be used across many future Microsoft products including Office “12”, BizTalk Server and the Microsoft Business Solutions. Most applications can benefit from the asynchronous state management features of the workflow model, the rapid development features of the designer, the potential for end-user flexibility, and the increased visibility into run-time code execution.

"Windows Presentation Foundation", "Windows Communication Foundation", and "Windows Workflow Foundation" 是Microsoft作为Vista操作系统在2006计划的一部分的3个开发技术名字.作为增加, Microsoft 正在使这些技术在Windows XP和Windows Server 2003 上变得可用, WinFX运行时组件(Beta2), 使开发者可以继续利用这些技术进行简易建造, 获得熟知的开发体验, 和向Microsoft提供回馈, 更多关于这些技术的细节看下面.
请记住, 在预发布版本上的WinFX运行时组件的许可(License Agreement)不允许在可使用的激活操作系统环境中使用.

记 住:这只是beta发布版本. 因此, 不要安装这些套件(builds)在您依赖的机器上(译者:可能引起一些不必要的数据丢失,微软恕不负责^_^). 如果您已经安装了之前的Avalon("Windows Presentation Foundation")或Indigo ("Windows Communication Foundation")或.NET 框架体系2.0版本, 您必须在下载之前阅读本篇.

"Windows 通讯根基(Windows Communication Foundation)" 是Microsoft之前的已知的代号为"Indigo"的联机系统套件而设计的统一通讯模型的名字. 它在建立安全、可信赖的API, 转换非Microsoft平台和集成已存投资的Web services方面扩展了.NET 框架体系2.0. 整合已存的Microsoft分布式应用的科技(ASMX, .NET Remoting, .NET Enterprise Services, Web Services Enhancements, and System.Messaging), Indigo 释放 开发框架体系来提升开发者生产力并缩短机构的市场时间(译者:从不投入开始到达市场的时间).

"Windows表现(层)根基(Windows Presentation Foundation)", 是Microsoft之前的已熟知的代号为"Avalon"的Windows统一表现(层)子系统. 它由显示引擎和代码管制的框架体系组成. "Windows表现(层)根基" 统一了Windows的产生、显示和操纵文档、媒体和用户接口. 本根基使开发者和设计者能产生视觉上目瞪口呆的区别性的用户体验来提升客户接触. 当发表之时, "Windows表现(层)根基" 会成为Microsoft的战略性UI技术.

"Windows 工作流根基(Workflow Foundation)" 是Microsoft的战略性的建造可用的工作流的编程模型. 它由代码管制的框架体系和Visual Studio .NET 设计器组成. "Windows 工作流根基" 包括系统工作流和人因工作流(译者:存在人参与的工作流的部分,简称人因工作流)这两方面. 它支持广泛的场合, 包括:在线业务应用、单证流(page-flow)、文档流等的工作流, 面向服务应用工作流, 和系统管理工作流. "Windows 工作流根基" 开发者体验包括WinFX技术和支持VB和C#、调试器、图像化的工作流设计器的和能用代码编写您的完整工作流的可用性. "Windows 工作流根基" 还提供一个针对最终用户或针对重用式的交叉多工程的构造有浓缩工作流功能的客户活动扩展模型和设计器. "Windows 工作流根基" 会被多个将来的包括Office “12”, BizTalk Server and the Microsoft Business Solutions的Microsoft产品所使用. 许多应用能从工作流模型的异步状态管理特性、快速开发设计器的特性、潜在的最终用户可适应性、在运行时代码执行中的可视性的提升等特性中获益.

by yesry:2006-06-01

