app 隐私 自我评估指南_普通人数字隐私指南


app 隐私 自我评估指南

PRISM, Social Credit, ClearView, Surveillance Capitalism. If you recognize these words, you’re probably concerned about your privacy (if not, you might want to be). In pursuit of power and profit, companies and governments the world over are gathering terabytes of data about your location, interests, habits, relationships, and desires.

PRISM社会信用ClearView监督资本主义 。 如果您识别出这些字眼,则可能是您担心自己的隐私(如果没有,则可能想成为 )。 为了追求权力和利润,全球的公司和政府都在收集有关您的位置,兴趣,习惯,关系和欲望的TB级数据。

What can we do about it? Much has been written about how society as a whole can promote privacy: writing to politicians, voting with our wallets, etc. But let’s face it: these things take time, if they move forward at all. If you want immediate protection, your best bet is to cut the data off at the source: your devices; the PC and, especially, the phone, are where the majority of your behavior is tracked. In this article, we’ll take a look at steps that a non-technical person can take to restrict tracking at the device level. Keep in mind that forms of external tracking, like surveillance cameras, are simply out of your direct control.

我们对于它可以做些什么呢? 关于整个社会如何促进隐私的文章很多,例如:给政客写信,用我们的钱包投票等等。但是,让我们面对现实吧:如果这些事情向前发展的话,这需要时间。 如果您想立即得到保护,最好的选择是从源头截断数据:您的设备; PC(尤其是电话)是您跟踪大多数行为的地方。 在本文中,我们将介绍非技术人员可以采取哪些步骤来限制设备级别的跟踪。 请记住,诸如监控摄像机之类的外部跟踪形式完全不受您的直接控制。

Due to it’s pervasiveness, avoiding user tracking usually means sacrificing convenience. If you really wanted, you could go all-in and take extreme, technical steps, like using a custom OS on your phone or running your own email server. That said, we’re going to focus on the more moderate steps that most people would actually be willing to take. How far you go is up to you, but we won’t look at anything that requires more than basic computer skills.

由于它的普遍性,避免用户跟踪通常意味着牺牲便利性。 如果您确实需要,可以全力以赴并采取极端的技术步骤,例如在手机上使用自定义操作系统或运行自己的电子邮件服务器。 也就是说,我们将专注于大多数人实际上愿意采取的较为温和的步骤。 您可以走多远取决于您,但是我们不会考虑任何需要具备基本计算机技能以上的知识。

网上账户 (Online Accounts)

If you’re like most people, you have a Google, Facebook, and Twitter account, along with countless others. Although the concept of privacy goes against the business model of most of these companies, they do still provide users with some level of control over their data, usually because they legally have to.

如果您像大多数人一样,则拥有Google,Facebook和Twitter帐户,还有其他帐户。 尽管隐私权的概念与大多数这些公司的业务模型背道而驰,但是它们仍然为用户提供了对其数据的某种程度的控制权,通常是因为他们在法律上必须这样做。

If you can’t just delete your account, it’s important to go through the settings page to see if there are any data collection toggles you can turn off. In Google’s case, you may want to turn disable everything on your Data and Personalization Dashboard. Here are the equivalent pages for Twitter and Facebook. Aside from these toggles, you should go through old records like comments, likes, and posts, and delete them as you see fit. If you’ve ever used a social account to sign in to an App, i.e. ‘Sign In with Google/Facebook/Other’, you can look through the list of Apps that have access to said account, and remove those you don’t need.

如果您不能只是删除帐户,请务必通过“设置”页面查看是否有可以关闭的数据收集开关。 在Google的情况下,您可能要禁用“ 数据和个性化仪表板”上的所有功能 。 这是TwitterFacebook的等效页面。 除了这些切换之外,您还应该浏览旧记录(例如评论,喜欢和帖子),并根据需要删除它们。 如果您曾经使用过社交帐户登录应用程序,即“使用Google / Facebook /其他登录”,则可以查看有权访问该帐户的应用程序列表,并删除那些没有权限的应用程序需要。

电子邮件 (Email)

None of most popular email services: Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! Mail are great for user privacy (case in point). If it’s free, you’re the product, and the only reason we’ve all been able to use our trusty addresses for years, at no cost, is because of the money companies like Google make from user data. Posteo, Tutanota, and ProtonMail are all great alternatives with strong privacy policies and a straightforward business model: you pay for the service.

没有一种最受欢迎​​的电子邮件服务:Gmail,Hotmail和Yahoo! 邮件是伟大的用户隐私( 案例 )。 如果它是免费的,那么您就是产品 。我们多年来免费使用我们可靠的@ gmail.com地址的唯一原因是Google这样的公司从用户数据中获利。 PosteoTutanotaProtonMail都是强大的隐私策略和简单的商业模式的绝佳替代品:您为服务付费。

Changing an email that you’ve probably been using for decades is easier said than done. The email address is at the center of a person’s online presence, so migrating all their accounts and contacts may be too difficult for some, myself included. That said, it doesn’t need to happen overnight; gradually switching over the span of a year or two may be more realistic.

更改您可能已经使用了数十年的电子邮件,说起来容易做起来难。 电子邮件地址位于一个人在线状态的中心,因此对于包括我在内的某些人来说,迁移其所有帐户和联系人可能太困难了。 就是说,它不必在一夜之间发生; 逐渐过渡一两年的时间可能更现实。

浏览器 (Browsers)

All modern browsers have a sign-in option that allows you to sync history and bookmarks across devices; and this presents an opportunity for (you guessed it!) data collection. The good news is that, as usual, there are a few privacy conscious alternatives. Although there have been recent controversies around both, I still recommend Firefox or, for a more chrome-like experience, Brave. If you’re on an Apple device, the default Safari is a good option, too. If you pick one of the former two, make sure to install these extensions: uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, and HTTPS Everywhere. For Firefox, I’d recommend switching to ‘Strict’ tracking protection on the preferences page (type about:preferences#privacy in the URL bar).

所有现代浏览器均具有登录选项,可让您跨设备同步历史记录和书签。 这为(您猜对了!) 数据收集提供了机会。 好消息是,和往常一样,有一些注重隐私的选择。 尽管最近两者都 存在争议 ,但我还是建议您使用Firefox,或者为了获得更酷的Chrome体验,请选择Brave 。 如果您使用的是Apple设备,默认的Safari也是一个不错的选择。 如果选择前两者之一,请确保安装以下扩展: uBlock OriginPrivacy BadgerHTTPS Everywhere 。 对于Firefox,我建议在首选项页面上切换到“严格”跟踪保护(在URL栏中输入about:preferences#privacy )。

搜索引擎 (Search Engines)

By now, it should come as no surprise that the folks over at Google don’t provide their monopolistic search engine out of the kindness of their hearts. Switching to a competitor like DuckDuckGo is one of the easiest things you can do for your privacy.

到现在为止,Google的员工不会出于自己的好意而提供他们的垄断性搜索引擎也就不足为奇了。 切换到DuckDuckGo这样的竞争对手是您可以为自己的隐私做的最简单的事情之一。

智能手机 (Smartphones)

This is the part of the guide where I would ask you to run out and buy a Google Pixel, then turn off the lights, fire up a terminal, and spend a few hours hunched over your computer, figuring out how to install a custom OS like Calyx or Graphene. Besides voiding your warranty, though, that’s something the average Alex wouldn’t be willing or able to do; if that’s you, I recommend buying an iPhone.

这是本指南的一部分,我将要求您用光并购买Google Pixel,然后关掉灯,启动终端,花几小时花在电脑上,以弄清楚如何安装自定义操作系统像花萼石墨烯 。 除了使您的保修无效之外,Alex也不愿或无法做到这一点。 如果是您,我建议您购买iPhone。

Yes, as counter intuitive as it may seem, the proprietary, walled garden of the Apple ecosystem is much better for privacy than any existing viable alternative. As much as you may have heard about Android being an open source, flexible platform that can be molded to the user’s needs, the truth is this: for all practical purposes, Android isn’t really that open. Almost every Android phone comes with proprietary software, comparable to spyware. Disabling or removing this software breaks important App functionality like notifications and location services.

是的,尽管看起来很直观,但苹果生态系统的专有围墙花园比任何现有的可行替代方案都更好地保护了隐私。 正如您可能听说过的那样,Android是可以满足用户需求的开源,灵活的平台,事实是这样的:实际上,Android 并不是那么开放 。 几乎每部Android手机都配有与间谍软件相当的专有软件。 禁用或删除此软件会破坏重要的App功能,例如通知和位置服务。

It all goes back to the business model. Google gives Android to phone manufacturers for free, so that it can dominate in terms of market share. The only way they can make money is by selling ads, and the best way to sell ads is to track a user’s every move for ultra-precise ad targeting. Apple, on the other hand, has no incentive to track you. They are a hardware company, and the majority of their profits come from iPhone sales. Although Apple has stood up for user privacy in the past, and they market it as a defining feature of their products, they have been caught working with governments, against public interests, before. Sadly, the best out of the box, privacy-by-default experience available remains on the iPhone.

这一切都可以追溯到业务模型。 Google免费向手机制造商提供Android,以便可以在市场份额方面占主导地位。 他们赚钱的唯一方法是销售广告,而销售广告的最佳方法是跟踪用户的一举一动,以实现超精确的广告定位。 另一方面,苹果公司没有动力追踪您。 他们是一家硬件公司,大部分利润来自iPhone销售 。 尽管苹果过去一直主张用户隐私 ,并且将其作为其产品的决定性特征进行营销,但他们之前被发现与政府合作违背了公共利益 。 可悲的是,iPhone上仍然提供最好的开箱即用的默认隐私体验。

Of course, you can’t just buy a new phone because a Medium article suggested it. If you’re on Android, there are still steps you can take to restrict, but not cut off, the direct line between your data and Google. For starters, turn off all the settings on your Google account dashboard as described in the first section; keep in mind that this will disable some features, like Google Assistant. Next, go through your App permission settings and disable any permissions that don’t seem reasonable. It’s also a good idea to install an App like NetGuard, that can block Apps from accessing the internet. There are many more comprehensive guides to Android privacy available online.

当然,您不能只购买一部新手机,因为“中型”文章建议这样做。 如果您使用的是Android,仍然可以采取一些措施来限制(但不能切断)数据与Google之间的直接联系。 首先,请按照第一部分的说明关闭Google帐户信息中心上的所有设置; 请记住,这将禁用某些功能,例如Google Assistant。 接下来,检查您的“应用”权限设置,并禁用所有似乎不合理的权限。 安装像NetGuard这样的应用程序也是一个好主意,该应用程序可以阻止应用程序访问互联网。 在线上有许多关于Android隐私的更全面的指南。

个人电脑 (PCs)

Windows 10 is to the PC world what Android is to smartphones. Although it isn’t a complete apples to apples comparison, there are definitely parallels between the two. After all, despite Windows supposedly costing over $100, it’s practically free, and includes all the tracking that you’d expect.

Windows 10对PC世界来说就像Android对智能手机一样。 尽管这并不是一个完整的比较,但两者之间肯定有相似之处。 毕竟,尽管据说Windows的价格超过100美元,但它实际上是免费的 ,并且包括您期望的所有跟踪

The best alternative to Windows is a Linux distribution like Ubuntu. Most people think of Linux as a confusing, complicated mess meant for developers, and while that may have once been true, it definitely isn’t in 2020. Ubuntu is the most popular flavor of Linux; it’s free, user friendly, and open source, which means that there’s no way it could track users without some smart coder finding out. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, make their money by providing professional support to enterprise customers.

Windows的最佳替代品是Linux版本,如Ubuntu 。 大多数人认为Linux是给开发人员的一个混乱,复杂的混乱局面,尽管这曾经曾经是正确的,但绝对不是在2020年。Ubuntu是最流行的Linux版本。 它是免费的,用户友好的和开源的,这意味着如果没有一些智能编码器就无法跟踪用户。 Canonical是Ubuntu背后的公司,它通过为企业客户提供专业支持来赚钱。

The trouble with Linux is software availability. If you use Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, Visual Studio, or any other popular application, there’s a chance it simply isn’t offered on Linux; this makes Linux a non-starter for many. For all those people, Apple, once again, comes to the rescue. Macbooks are costlier than competing computers, but like with iPhones, the Apple business model means that they have no incentive to track you, since the Mac purchase provides plenty of profit. Unless there’s a specific Windows only piece of software that you can’t let go of, you should be able to find Mac versions of all your favorite Windows Apps.

Linux的问题在于软件的可用性。 如果您使用Microsoft Office,Adobe Creative Cloud,Visual Studio或任何其他流行的应用程序,则有可能在Linux上根本不提供它。 这使得Linux对许多人来说都不是入门者。 对于所有这些人,苹果公司再次伸出援手。 Macbook比竞争对手的计算机要贵,但是与iPhone一样,Apple的商业模式意味着它们没有动力追踪您,因为购买Mac可以带来很多利润。 除非您不能放过某个特定的Windows专用软件,否则您应该能够找到所有喜欢的Windows Apps的Mac版本。

If you really want to stick with Windows, there are plenty of guides that show you what settings to tweak to minimize tracking.

如果你真的想坚持使用Windows,也有大量 指南 ,告诉你要调整哪些设置,以尽量减少跟踪。

虚拟专用网 (VPNs)

No doubt, you’ve seen countless ads for VPNs by now. It seems like there’s always some new VPN that promises to completely fix everything wrong with tracking and data collection online. Although the benefits of using a VPN can be greatly exaggerated, a good VPN is still better than none. Although I won’t recommend a specific option, be sure to do your research to avoid getting scammed, as a bad VPN can be worse than none.

毫无疑问,到目前为止,您已经看到了无数的VPN广告。 似乎总会有一些新的VPN承诺完全解决在线跟踪和数据收集中的所有错误。 尽管可以大大夸大使用VPN的好处,但是好的VPN仍然比没有VPN更好。 尽管我不建议使用特定的选项,但是一定要进行研究避免被骗 ,因为不良的VPN可能比没有更糟。

变化是生活的调味品 (Variety is the Spice of Life)

Okay, so you’ve picked the most privacy conscious phone, PC, browser, and email account you can. You’ve toggled all the right settings, opted out of all the tracking, and installed the best VPN you could find. But whether it’s because your Android defaults to Google Keep, Contacts and Calendar, or because you think Microsoft OneDrive is great value, or because all your friends are still on Facebook, there’s probably some product or service you continue to use despite shady privacy policies, right? The best thing you can do at this point is to make sure that no single company has too much. Switch things up by finding alternatives and moving some data around. You might decide to switch from Google Keep to, for example; or switch from OneDrive to a NextCloud provider.

好的,因此,您已选择了最注重隐私的手机,PC,浏览器和电子邮件帐户。 您已经切换了所有正确的设置,退出了所有跟踪,并安装了可能找到的最佳VPN。 但是,无论是因为您的Android默认使用Google Keep,“联系人”和“日历”,还是因为您认为Microsoft OneDrive物超所值,还是因为您的所有朋友仍在Facebook上,尽管隐私政策不可靠,您还是可能会继续使用某些产品或服务,对? 此时,您可以做的最好的事情是确保没有一家公司的资产过多。 通过寻找替代方法并移动一些数据来切换事物。 例如,您可能决定从Google Keep切换到 ; 或从OneDrive切换到NextCloud提供程序。

结论 (Conclusion)

I hope this guide helped show you how to take back some control of your data without needing to touch a line of code. This is a good start, but the only way we can truly protect our privacy in the long run is by making sure we have legal protections. Please consider supporting organizations, like the EFF, that protect these interests, and make your voice heard.

我希望本指南能帮助您展示如何在无需接触任何代码的情况下收回对数据的某些控制。 这是一个好的开始,但是从长远来看,我们真正保护我们的隐私的唯一方法是确保我们拥有法律保护。 请考虑支持EFF之类的支持组织,以保护这些利益,并发表自己的声音。

Thanks for reading!



app 隐私 自我评估指南
