- Spring Cloud Components
- Configuration
- Service Discovery
- Circuit Breakers
- Routing and Messaging
- API Gateway
- Tracing
- CI Pipelines and Testing
- There Are More
- Spring Cloud Bus
- Spring Cloud Stream
- Spring Cloud Data and Task
- Spring Cloud AWS
- …
- Configuration
- We want to remove the configuration out of the application to a centralized store across all environments
- Spring cloud Config Server can use Git, SVM, filesystem and Vault to store config
- Config clients (microservice apps) retrieve the configuration from the server on startup
- Can be notified of changes and process changes ina refresh event
- Service Discovery
- With the dynamic nature of any cloud native application, depending on things like URLs can be problematic
- Service Discovery allows micro services to easily discover the routes to the services it needs to use
- Netflix Eureka
- Zookeeper
- Consul
- Routiing and Messaging
- Your cloud native app will be composed of many microservices so communication will be critical
- Spring Cloud supports communication via HTTP requests or via messaging
- Routing and Load Balancing:
- Netflix Ribbon and Open Feign
- Messaging:
- API Gateway
- API Gateways allow you to route API requests (internal or external) to the correct service
- Netflix Zuul
- Leverages service discovery and load balancer
- Circuit Breakers
- Failure is inevitable, but your user’s don’t need to know
- Circuit breakers can help an application function in the face of failure
- Netflix Hystrix
- Tracing
- A single request to get data from your application may result in an exponentially larger number of requests to various microservices
- Tracing these requests through the application is critical when debugging issues
- Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
- CI Pipelines and Testing
- Building, testing, and deploying the various services is critical to having a successful cloud native application
- Spring Cloud Pipelines is an opinionated pipeline for Jenkins or Concourse that will automatically create pipelines for your apps
- Spring Cloud Contract allows you to accurately mock dependencies between services using published contracts
DEMO http://bit/ly/beginners1p