DXR ray tracing tutorial中:
0xFF, 0, hitProgramCount, 0, rayAO, rayPayload);
We’re going to tell our ray to never run the closest-hit shader and to stop as soon as we find any intersection.
这里注意RAYFLAG可以设置为skip closest hit shader;在anyhit shader中只有通过alpha测试后才会得到有效的hit,才能结束search;整个过程中不会走closest hit shader,会走any hit shader,可能会走miss shader。这种设置可以在AO中发挥作用,具体看DXR ray tracing tutorial。
// What code is executed when our ray misses all geometry?
void AoMiss(inout AORayPayload rayData)
// Our ambient occlusion value is 1 if we hit nothing.
rayData.aoValue = 1.0f;
// What code is executed when our ray hits a potentially transparent surface?
void AoAnyHit(inout AORayPayload rayData, BuiltInTriangleIntersectionAttributes attribs)
// Is this a transparent part of the surface? If so, ignore this hit
if (alphaTestFails(attribs))