//* Used when the widget is displayed as a dropdown
add_filter('woocommerce_product_categories_widget_dropdown_args', 'appliances', 10, 10);
//* Used when the widget is displayed as a list
add_filter('woocommerce_product_categories_widget_args', 'appliances', 10, 10);
function appliances($cat_args) {
if (is_product_category(75) || is_product_category($termchildren)) {
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$include_terms = array();
// Push the default term that you need to shown
array_push($include_terms, 75);
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$termchildren = get_term_children(75, 'product_cat');
if (is_product_category(59) || is_product_category($termchildren)) {
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$include_terms = array();
// Push the default term that you need to shown
array_push($include_terms, 59);
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$termchildren = get_term_children(59, 'product_cat');
foreach($termchildren as $child) {
$term = get_term_by('id', $child, 'product_cat');
array_push($include_terms, $term - > term_id);
// Finally pass the array
$cat_args['include'] = $include_terms;
return $cat_args;
//* Used when the widget is displayed as an slug (aabc) / term_id (50) lists
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_categories_widget_args', function ( $cat_args ) {
if ( is_product_category('aabc') || is_product_category('ddef') || is_product_category('gghi') || is_product_category('jjkl') || is_product_category('mmno') || is_product_category('ppqr') || is_product_category('sstu') || is_product_category('vvwx') || is_product_category('yyz')){
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$include_terms = array();
// Push the default term that you need to show
array_push( $include_terms, 50 );
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$termchildren = get_term_children( 50, 'product_cat' );
// Iterate over the terms found and add it to the array which holds the IDs to include
foreach( $termchildren as $child ) {
$term = get_term_by( 'id', $child, 'product_cat' );
array_push( $include_terms, $term->term_id );
// Finally pass the array
$cat_args['include'] = $include_terms;
return $cat_args;
//* Used when the widget is displayed as an slug (abc) / term_id (60) lists
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_categories_widget_args', function ( $cat_args ) {
if ( is_product_category('abc') || is_product_category('def') || is_product_category('ghi') || is_product_category('jkl') || is_product_category('mno') || is_product_category('pqr') || is_product_category('stu') || is_product_category('vwx') || is_product_category('yz')){
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$include_terms = array();
// Push the default term that you need to show
array_push( $include_terms, 60 );
// Create an array that will hold the ids that need to be included
$termchildren = get_term_children( 60, 'product_cat' );
// Iterate over the terms found and add it to the array which holds the IDs to include
foreach( $termchildren as $child ) {
$term = get_term_by( 'id', $child, 'product_cat' );
array_push( $include_terms, $term->term_id );
// Finally pass the array
$cat_args['include'] = $include_terms;
return $cat_args;
这个世界上的文字类冒险游戏,显示文字方式可以大致分为在对话框内显示和电子小说式全画面窗口(Visual-Novel Type)两种。只是文字显示位置的不同,并没有特别大的差异。以上两种显示方式 KAG 均支持。 两种文字显示方式 此外,也能做到竖行显示。 竖行显示 KAG 默认的设定使用的是横行显示和电子小说式。详细的说明请参考 Config.tjs 。本教程将以使用电子小说式为前提,继续说
我有以下型号: 类类别(models.Model):名称=模型。字符域(最大长度=255) 类元素(models.Model): 课程主题(models.Model): 元素=模型。ForeignKey(元素)name=模型。夏菲尔德(max_length=255) 我基本上需要在category id=1中添加新主题,并只获得属于类别1的élément列表 我在category id=1中创建了
使用gdb时,如果想查看gdb版权相关信息,可以使用“show copying”命令: (gdb) show copying GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
您可以设置相关国家的亮度。 亮度的数值范围是 [0, 1] ,默认的亮度数值是0.5: controller.adjustRelatedBrightness(0.8);
问题内容: 我正在做一个视图(使用Django的通用视图DeleteView)从模型中删除实例,但它会级联并从其他模型中删除实例: 我想要做的是像管理界面一样显示将要删除的相关项目的列表,例如: 问题答案: 你可以使用 Django 使用的类来确定要在级联中删除的对象。实例化它,然后调用它传递要删除的对象。它需要一个列表或查询集,因此,如果只有一个对象,只需将其放在列表中: instances_w
我正在创建一个石头、布、剪刀的游戏,我想让它显示个人的赢、输和平局。 当我运行它时,它总是说我输了。 我认为问题是要增加正确值的if-then语句。 我认为最后一件事可能是生成计算机选择的方法。 我该怎么解决这个问题?