3. In easyb, scenarios — not stories — have states. A scenario can be in a passing, failing, or pending state. Pending is handy because it can indicate that a particular scenario is actively being worked on. Failing, obviously, indicates an error condition either occurring in the application being verified or possibly in how the scenario is defined. Scenarios in easyb define steps using the keywords given , when , then , and optionally and . Each keyword definition in a scenario looks a lot like the scenario keyword definition, as Listing 10 shows: 4.then easyb supports a host of similar checks, including:
shouldNotBe shouldEqual shouldNotEqual shouldBeGreaterThan shouldBeLessThan 5.file extension The stories in easyb should and must be in a file ending with an extension of .story. So our login story would be placed in a file called LoginServiceTest.story. If you have a story named AccountServiceTest.groovy, you will get an exception as such:
Buildfile: /Users/meerasubbarao/Development/easyb-samples/build.xml init: run.easyb.stores: [easyb] easyb is preparing to process 2 file(s) [easyb] Easyb behavior file must end in Story.groovy, .story, Specification.groovy or .specification. See easyb documentation for more details. [easyb] easyb execution FAILED BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second