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c语言php7扩展开发教程,php-beanstalk: 基于php扩展形式开发的,以c语言书写的beanstalkd客户端,目前提供php5与php7的支持...



php-beanstalk is a extension of php and now support for php5 and php7. This extension has double performance than native php client, and the extension has implement most of the beanstalk protocol. The extension is now procedure oriented.

Tested on php53, php54, php55, php56 and php7.

author: qzfzz(Bruce Tsisen)


1. download(or clone)php-beanstalk first

2. $cd php-beanstalk

3. $phpize

4. $./configure

5. $make

6. $make install

7. after you install it, please configure the ip address of your beanstalkd server in beanstalk/include/config.inc

8. $make test

compile passed:linux/unix/osx

support php version: php5, php7 both on zts and nts version

just enjoy it
