Collabnet Subversion服务出错



CollabNet Subversion Edge

Console Status: Not Ready

Welcome to CollabNet Subversion Edge. The link above will indicate when the management console is ready to use. At that time, follow the link to the login page (http://localhost:3343/csvn).

When first installed, Subversion Edge can be managed with the default administrator account. Use this login to sign in, but be sure to change the password.


User name:admin


Edit your password by clicking the "Logged in as" username that appears in the uppper right corner of the console screen. You'll also see a help icon there that always links to contextually relevant documentation.

Thank you for installing CollabNet Subversion Edge.


访问Login页面出现的错误是“错误 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED):服务器拒绝了连接。”

Console的状态是not ready,但是Collabnet Subversion Edge和Collabnet Subversion Server都已启动。


