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1、row 设置高度页面显示没问题但是打印时则设置高度无效。
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<div class="print-body page" v-for="(item,index) of infoPage">
<div class="row top-title">
<div class="title">操作人员管理表</div>
<div class="table-num-span-div">
<div class="table-num-span">表六</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-No">序<br /><br />号</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-name">姓 名</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-cardNo">身份证号</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-certificate">岗位编号</div>
<div class="cell-right">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-premises-info">负责设备情况</div>
<div class="row cell-right cell-bottom">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-projectName">设备名称</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-houseNo">具体设备号</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-operation">新增人员(√)</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-operation">取消人员(√)</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-operation">调整权限(√)</div>
<div class="row" v-for="(info,index) of item">
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-No">{{info.serial}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-name">{{info.name}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-cardNo">{{info.cardno}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-certificate">{{info.skillcertificateno}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-bottom cell-projectName">{{info.projectname}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-bottom cell-houseNo">{{info.projectlocation}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-operation">{{info.isAdd}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-operation">{{info.isDel}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-operation">{{info.isUpdate}}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-end">权限设置</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-bottom cell-No">序<br /><br />号</div>
<div class="cell cell-bottom cell-right cell-name">姓 名</div>
<div class="cell-right">
<div class="cell cell-bottom cell-right cell-contract-manage">设备管理</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-query">设备管理1</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-initial">设备管理2</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-signed">设备管理3</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-affirm">设备管理4</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-template">设备管理5</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-handover-letter">设备管理6</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-equity">设备管理7</div>
<div class="cell-right">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-other">其他权限</div>
<div class="row cell-right cell-bottom">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-password">其他权限1</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-invalid">其他权限2</div>
<div class="row" v-for="(info,index) of item">
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-No">{{info.serial}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-name">{{info.name}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-query">{{info.query}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-initial">{{info.initial}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-signed">{{info.signed}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-affirm">{{info.affirm}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-template">{{info.template}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-handover-letter">{{info.handoverletter}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-equity">{{info.equity}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-password">{{info.password}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-invalid">{{info.invalid}}</div>
<div class="stamp">
<div class="stamp-cell">
<div class="stamp-title">
<div class="date-cell row">
<div class="date-item row">
<div class="date-title">申请日期:</div>
<div class="date-input"></div>
<div class="date-div">年</div>
<div class="date-input"></div>
<div class="date-div">月</div>
<div class="date-input"></div>
<div class="date-div">日</div>
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name: "",
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<div class="print-body page" v-for="(item,index) of infoPage">
<div class="top-title">
<div class="title">操作人员管理表</div>
<div class="table-num-span-div">
<div class="table-num-span">表六</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-No">序<br /><br />号</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-name">姓 名</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-cardNo">身份证号</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-certificate">岗位编号</div>
<div class="cell-right">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-premises-info">负责设备情况</div>
<div class="row cell-right cell-bottom">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-projectName">设备名称</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-houseNo">具体设备号</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-operation">新增人员(√)</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-operation">取消人员(√)</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-operation">调整权限(√)</div>
<div class="row" v-for="(info,index) of item">
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-No">{{info.serial}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-name">{{info.name}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-cardNo">{{info.cardno}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-certificate">{{info.skillcertificateno}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-bottom cell-projectName">{{info.projectname}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-bottom cell-houseNo">{{info.projectlocation}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-operation">{{info.isAdd}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-operation">{{info.isDel}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-operation">{{info.isUpdate}}</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-title-div">权限设置</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-bottom cell-No">序<br /><br />号</div>
<div class="cell cell-bottom cell-right cell-name">姓 名</div>
<div class="cell-son">
<div class="cell cell-bottom cell-right cell-contract-manage">设备管理</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-query">设备管理1</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-initial">设备管理2</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-signed">设备管理3</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-affirm">设备管理4</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-template">设备管理5</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-handover-letter">设备管理6</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-equity">设备管理7</div>
<div class="cell-son">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-other">其他权限</div>
<div class="row cell-right cell-bottom">
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-password">其他权限1</div>
<div class="cell cell-right cell-bottom cell-invalid">其他权限2</div>
<div class="row" v-for="(info,index) of item">
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-No">{{info.serial}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-bottom cell-right cell-name">{{info.name}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-query">{{info.query}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-initial">{{info.initial}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-signed">{{info.signed}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-affirm">{{info.affirm}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-template">{{info.template}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-handover-letter">{{info.handoverletter}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-equity">{{info.equity}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-password">{{info.password}}</div>
<div class="cell cell-small cell-right cell-bottom cell-invalid">{{info.invalid}}</div>
<div class="stamp">
<div class="stamp-cell">
<div class="stamp-title">
<div class="date-cell">
<div class="date-item row">
<div class="date-title">申请日期:</div>
<div class="date-input"></div>
<div class="date-div">年</div>
<div class="date-input"></div>
<div class="date-div">月</div>
<div class="date-input"></div>
<div class="date-div">日</div>
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