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Databricks 笔记本微调了羊驼数据集上的 GPT-J 6B 模型


这使用 Databricks 笔记本微调了羊驼数据集上的 GPT-J 6B 模型。请注意,虽然 GPT-J 6B 已获得 Apache 2.0 许可,但 Alpaca 数据集已获得 Creative Commons NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) 许可。


This fine-tunes the GPT-J 6B model on the Alpaca dataset using a Databricks notebook. Please note that while GPT-J 6B is Apache 2.0 licensed, the Alpaca dataset is licensed under Creative Commons NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Get Started Training

Add the dolly repo to Databricks (under Repos click Add Repo, enter https://github.com/databrickslabs/dolly.git, then click Create Repo).
Start a 12.2 LTS ML (includes Apache Spark 3.3.2, GPU, Scala 2.12) single-node cluster with node type having 8 A100 GPUs (e.g. Standard_ND96asr_v4 or p4d.24xlarge).
Open the train_dolly notebook in the dolly repo, attach to your GPU cluster, and run all cells. When training finishes, the notebook will save the model under /dbfs/dolly_training.
Running Unit Tests Locally

pyenv local 3.8.13
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Hello Dolly:通过开放模型让 ChatGPT 的魔力大众化
