If you have a blog, I'd highly recommend that you write your articles in Windows Live Writer. It's a free download, available on the Windows Live web site.
如果您有博客,强烈建议您使用Windows Live Writer撰写文章。 它是免费下载,可以在Windows Live网站上找到 。
You'll need a Windows Live account before you can use the program, so if you don't have an account yet, it'll take you a couple of minutes to set that up.
在使用该程序之前,您需要一个Windows Live帐户,因此,如果您还没有帐户,则需要几分钟的时间来进行设置。
I've been using Live Writer for a couple of weeks and find it much quicker and easier than logging into my WordPress blog, and writing an article in the tiny window there.
我已经使用Live Writer数周了,发现它比登录WordPress博客并在那儿的小窗口中写文章更快,更轻松。
设置博客 (Set Up a Blog)
You can set up one blog, or several blogs, and publish to any of them from the same Windows Live Writer session.
您可以建立一个或多个博客,然后在同一Windows Live Writer会话中将其发布。
It only takes a minute or two to set up a blog in Live Writer. Fill in the URL, name, password, and select from a few options.
在Live Writer中建立博客只需一两分钟。 填写URL,名称,密码,然后从几个选项中进行选择。
Then, select a blog from the dropdown list, and start writing.
写文章 (Write an Article)
Live Writer has a nice big writing area, so it's easier to see what you're doing, and view more of the current article.
Live Writer具有很大的写作区域,因此更容易查看自己在做什么,并且可以查看更多当前文章。
There's a formatting toolbar, with most of the common tools. Align is on the Format menu though, instead of the toolbar.
有一个格式化工具栏,其中包含大多数常用工具。 但是,“对齐”位于“格式”菜单上,而不是在工具栏上。
A few more features that keep me using Live Writer:
让我继续使用Live Writer的其他一些功能:
- Spelling mistakes are underlined, so you can correct them as you work. 拼写错误带有下划线,因此您可以在工作时纠正它们。
- From the sidebar, you can insert objects such as a table, map, or video. 您可以从边栏中插入表格,地图或视频之类的对象。
- For articles with pictures, I keep Windows Explorer open, and drag the images in from there. That's much quicker than using the Upload feature in WordPress. 对于带有图片的文章,我将Windows资源管理器保持打开状态,然后从中拖动图像。 这比在WordPress中使用上传功能要快得多。
- At the bottom of the article window you can set the categories or add new categories. 在文章窗口的底部,您可以设置类别或添加新类别。
- The Set publish date feature lets you schedule articles for publishing later. 设置发布日期功能可让您安排文章以便以后发布。
改进之处 (Improvements)
There are a couple of things that I'd like to see improved in the next version.
- Tags -- There's an Insert Tags option, but I don't see the tags in the published article on my web site. 标签-有一个“插入标签”选项,但是在我的网站上的已发表文章中没有看到标签。
- Align -- Add an Align button to the formatting toolbar. 对齐-将“对齐”按钮添加到格式工具栏。
- Pictures -- Don't insert all the images as thumbnails. Maybe there's somewhere to change that setting, but I haven't found it yet. 图片-不要将所有图像插入为缩略图。 也许有地方可以更改该设置,但是我还没有找到它。
Those are minor annoyances though, and the benefits far outweigh them.
试试吧! (Try It!)
Whether you write a couple of articles a month or several per day, I think you'll like Live Writer. If you do try, let me know what you think of it. _________________________
无论您每月写几篇文章还是每天写几篇文章,我都认为您会喜欢Live Writer。 如果您尝试尝试,请告诉我您的想法。 _________________________
翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2008/11/13/using-windows-live-writer/