This is a LaTeX document class. That means you use it with \documentclass{homework}
at the top of the document. It provides a document layout and some helper commands that make working with questions easy.
Certainly the easiest way to start using this template is to copy the .cls file to your computer in the same directory as your LaTeX project directory.
A better way to install this template is to fork this repository and then clone that fork to a particular folder on your computer:
git clone<your-username>/latex-hw-template
Then, whenever you need to use the template, you can copy the template to wherever you need it. Also, if there are ever any updates, you can simply run
git pull
to update the template.
The best way to install this file is to follow the instructions here, keeping in mind that you're trying to install a .cls
file instead of three .sty
See the homework.tex file for an exhaustive list of usage examples. There are also comments explaining features for which there are no examples given.
The result is the following:
The class file also has a bunch of helper \usepackage
s that you might want to take a look at in homework.cls.
For your convenience, the file template.tex is a nearly-emptyLaTeX file that contains the bare essentials to get started using the homeworkclass.
To start a question, just type \question
. It will add the text "Question #" with a line underneath to the document. If you'd like to change "Question" to something else, use
\renewcommand{\questiontype}{Whatever You Want}
Similarly, if you ever need to skip numbers, you can do
\setcounter{questionCounter}{<target number - 1>}
So, to skip to the 10th question, <target number - 1>
= 9.
See homework.tex for more.
Some classes like to give their homework questions fancy names. If this is the case, you can use \question*{The Question's Name}
to make a named question.
See homework.tex for more.
Another common thing on homework assignments is to have multi-part questions. To deal with these, use the form
This will be part (a).
This will be part (b).
This will be part x.1.
This will be part x.2.
See homework.tex for more.
In math classes, induction proofs come up a lot, and they almost always have the same form: base case, induction hypothesis, and induction step.
This is my fancy base case.
Assume some claim.
Finish off the proof
Certain classes prefer to disassociate names from questions for a more fairgrade assessment. To have your name placed only on a separate title page,include the anonymous
option in the \documentclass
For truly anonymous submissions, make sure you remove all personally identifyinginformation from your preamble.
If you'd like each question to begin on a new page, include the newpage
To enhance the readability of your documents, you can add the largemargins
option to your documents. This fits less content on a single page, but makes itmuch more comfortable for your eyes to scan across the lines.
This is the default in the template and the example file. Remove this option tohave your text fill more space on the page.
MIT License, see LICENSE.
\documentclass[UTF8]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{CTEX} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{xcolor} \begin{document} \title{Algorithm homework 2} \author{****\\ 21617019} \
lizeyujack homework templet %-- coding: UTF-8 -- \documentclass[12pt,oneside,geqno]{article} \addtolength{\textheight}{120pt} \oddsidemargin=-10pt \topmargin=-.5in \textwidth=6.5in \pagestyle{empty}
首先是 test_latex.tex: \documentclass{article} \author{ Hu Boqiang\thanks{}\\ Biodynamic Imagine Center\\ Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.} \title{MCMC method in C
latex-homework-template The LaTeX file that I use as the base for all my homeworks in university. You should follow me on Twitter. Features Here are just a few features of this homework template. Titl
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