Timeout Interval Idle

授权协议 未知
所属分类 jQuery 插件、 其他jQuery插件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 江宏伟
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

Creating Timeouts and Intervals

Javascript allows you to create Timeouts and Intervals using this syntax:

setTimeout("alert('I waited 5 seconds!');",5000);
setInterval("alert('I happen every 8 seconds');",8000);

These functions are very useful, but unfortunately they only accept code as a string. This module allows you to use jQuery to create timeouts and intervals that also accept functions, like this:

$.timeout(function() { alert('I waited 5 seconds'); }, 5000);
$.interval(function() { alert('I happen every 8 seconds'); }, 8000);

You can also create Timeouts and Intervals from predefined functions:

function now() { alert('now!'); }
$.timeout(now, 5000);
$.interval(now, 8000);

Clearing Timeouts and Intervals

Javascript allows you to create and clear Timeouts and the Intervals using the following sytax:

var to = setTimeout("alert('I waited 5 seconds!');",5000);
var it = setInterval("alert('I happen every 8 seconds');",8000);

Using this plugin, the same can be done like this:

var to = $.timeout(function() { alert('I waited 5 seconds'); }, 5000);
var it = $.interval(function() { alert('I happen every 8 seconds'); }, 8000);

Creating Idle Timeouts

In addition to the above functionality, this plugin provides a new type of timed function, the Idle Timeout. Every time you create a new Idle Timeout, any previous Idle Timeout is cleared. This means that you can make an event happen X seconds after the *last* time this functions is called. For example:

<input type="text" id="body" onkeypress="$.idle(function() { alert($('#body').val()); }, 3000);" />

The above code will set an Idle Timeout (and clear the last one) every time the user types into the input box. 3 seconds after the last key is pressed, the idle function will run and the contents of the input box will be alerted.

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  • 使用springboot 线程池连接MySQL时,mysql数据库wait_timeout 为8个小时,所以程序第二天发现报错,在url配置了 autoReconnect=true 也不行,查询配置以下 #验证连接的有效性 spring.datasource.test-while-idle=true #获取连接时候验证,会影响性能 spring.datasource.test-on-borrow=

  • 引用自: http://caterpillar.onlyfun.net/Gossip/GTKGossip/TimeoutIdle.html   如果您要定時讓程式去作某件事,則可以使用g_timeout_add()或g_timeout_add_full(),g_timeout_add()的定義如下: guint g_timeout_add(guint interval,              

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  • 如果您要定時讓程式去作某件事,則可以使用g_timeout_add()或g_timeout_add_full(),g_timeout_add()的定義如下: guint g_timeout_add(guint interval,                     GSourceFunc function,                     gpointer data); 第一個參數是時

  • This article explains how to configure the following settings in Hive: hive.server2.session.check.interval hive.server2.idle.operation.timeout hive.server2.idle.session.timeout 1). hive.server2.idle.s

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  • 您可能会想要在gtk_man idle时, 做一些事情. 你有好几个选择. 使用以下这些函数可以产生一个timeout函数, 它每间隔一阵子就会去呼叫您的函数. gint gtk_timeout_add (guint32 interval, GtkFunction function, gpointer data); 第一个参数是每间隔interval milliseconds会去呼叫您的函数. 第

  • 环境介绍: 操作系统:CentOS 6.5 MySQL数据库:MariaDB10.0.13 最近一同事提问,在连接外网生产数据库做查询时,总提示timeout类的提示; 开始解决: 1).排查跳板机的连接用户profile文件是否定制了TIMEOUT时间,答案是否定的,没有做限制; 2).secure CRT设置,请参考如下文章:http://blog.csdn.net/jacson_bai/ar