Game networking is a subset of computer networking that commonly covers transport protocols, data replication, entity synchronization, lag compensation, client-side prediction, server reconciliation, interest management, bandwidth optimization, physics rollback/fastforward simulation, anti-cheating and many other areas involved in multiplayer online game development.
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Quick Jump: Articles - Talks - Libraries - Tools
Game Developers Conference
Unreal Engine Livestream
Replication Graph - Epic's dev-team demonstrates UE 4.20's new Replication Graph feature.
Server Optimizations - Ryan Gerleve and Dave Ratti to discuss server optimization techniques in UE4.
Unreal Fest
Unity Unite
C / C++
ENet - Simple and robust reliable UDP networking library.
GameNetworkingSockets - Valve's internal (Steam) network transport layer for games.
GGPO - Good Game, Peace Out Rollback Network SDK.
KCP - A fast and reliable ARQ protocol.
RakNet - Full-featured and mature reliable UDP networking engine.
TNL2 - (Inactive) Torque Networking Library 2 which is quite familiar to TRIBES Engine Networking Model .
yojimbo - Reliable UDP networking library for client/server games with dedicated servers.
Barebones Master Server - Backend framework with auth, profile, lobby, chat features for Unity.
DarkRift Networking - Unity focused multi-threaded multiplayer networking solution.
Forge Networking - Unity focused real-time multiplayer networking solution.
Lidgren.Network - Reliable UDP networking library (.NET/Mono/Unity).
LiteNetLib - Lite reliable UDP networking library (.NET/Mono/Unity).
Mirror - A community replacement for Unity's abandoned UNET Networking System.
Netcode for GameObjects - Unity's official high-level netcode SDK for GameObject workflows.
Networker - TCP and UDP networking library (.NET/Unity).
Normcore - Seamless multiplayer game networking for Unity (Cloud/SaaS).
Photon Engine - Hybrid multiplayer game networking platform (Cloud/SaaS).
SocketWeaver - Multiplayer cloud services designed for the Unity engine (Cloud/SaaS).
MagicOnion - Unified Realtime/API framework for .NET platform and Unity.
Nakama - Open-source backend infrastructure for multiplayer games (also with Unity/C# SDK).
GoWorld - Scalable Distributed Game Server Engine with Hot Swapping (and Unity demo!).
SmartFoxServer - Massive multiplayer game server with advanced built-in features.
Colyseus - Authoritative multiplayer game server backend framework.
Kalm - Socket manager/optimizer library with custom congestion control for Node.js and browsers.
SocketCluster - Scalable multi-process HTTP & real-time server framework.
CapAnalysis - Web visual tool to analyze captured network traffic. (Ubuntu, Debian)
clumsy - Network condition simulation utility. (Windows)
netem - Network emulation for testing protocols. (Linux)
mitmproxy - Web debugging proxy server. (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Network Link Conditioner - Network environment simulation utility. (macOS, iOS)
Network Protocol Analyzer - Tool for analysing, debugging and monitoring connections. (Windows)
Network Simulator (ns) - Network simulator targeting research and educational use. (macOS, Linux)
Postman - Web API debugging and development client. (Windows, macOS, Linux)
websocat - CLI client for WebSockets like netcat or curl. (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer tool. (Windows, macOS, Linux)