Basic UDP and TCP sockets for NativeScript.
There is no support for iOS (yet), as I am not an iOS developer. Contributionsfor adding iOS support are welcome!
tns plugin add nativescript-simple-networking
This plugin provides three classes: UdpServer
, TcpClient
and TcpServer
.All of them provide similar, callback-based, interface. An example of usage isworth a thousands words and therefore here is a TypeScript example:
import {UdpServer, TcpClient, TcpServer} from "nativescript-simple-networking";
import {Address4} from "ip-address";
var udpServer = new UdpServer();
udpServer.onPacket = (sender: Address4, message: string) => {
console.log("Message from UDP: ", message);
udpServer.onError = (id: number, message: string) => {
console.log("UDP error for action #", id, ": ", message);
udpServer.onFinished = (id: number) => {
console.log("UDP finished action #", id);
// Start listening on port 33333
var udpConnectEvent: number = udpServer.start(33333);
console.log("UDP start event is: ", udpConnectEvent);
// Broadcast a message
var udpBroadcastEvent: number = udpServer.send("", "I am alive!");
console.log("UDP broadcast event is: ", udpBroadcastEvent);
// Start a TCP server listening on port 44444 with maximum 2 clients
var tcpServer = new TcpServer(2);
tcpServer.onClient = (client: Address4) => {
console.log("New TCP client: ", client.adddress)
tcpServer.send(client, "Welcome!");
tcpServer.onData = (client: Address4, data: string) => {
console.log("New data from client ", client.address, ": ", data);
tcpServer.onError = (id: number, client: Address4, message: string) => {
if (client)
console.log("TCP server client error", client.address, ": ", message);
console.log("TCP server error: ", message);
tcpServer.onFinished = (id: number) => {
console.log("TCP server finished transaction #", id);
// Connect to the TCP server
var tcpClient = new TcpClient();
tcpClient.onData = (data: string) => {
console.log("Data from TCP client: ", data);
tcpClient.onError = (id: number, message: string) => {
console.log("TCP client error for action #", id, ": ", message);
tcpClient.onFinished = (id: number) => {
console.log("TCP client finished action #: ", id);
// Connect client, action IDs are ommited in this example - see UdpServer
tcpClient.start("localhost", 44444);
tcpClient.send("I am also alive!");
// When we are finished
Any contributions are welcome, feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub. Iwould appreciate a PR, which would add support for iOS.
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