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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发、 Emoji 表情相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 荆亦
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Twitter Color Emoji SVGinOT Font

A color and B&W emoji SVG-OpenType / SVGinOT font built from theTwitter Emoji for Everyone artwork with support for ZWJ,skin tone diversity and country flags.

The font works in all operating systems, but will currently only show coloremoji in Firefox, Thunderbird, Photoshop CC 2017+, and Windows Edge V38.14393+.This is not a limitation of the font, but of the operating systems andapplications. Why doesn't it work on Chrome? Regular B&Woutline emoji are included for backwards/fallback compatibility.

Table of Contents


Demo in Firefox on Linux.

What is SVGinOT?

SVG in Open Type is a standard by Adobe and Mozilla for color OpenTypeand Open Font Format fonts. It allows font creators to embed complete SVG fileswithin a font enabling full color and even animations. There are more detailsin the SVGinOT proposal and the OpenType SVG table specifications.

SVGinOT Font demos (Firefox only):

Install on Linux

The font can be installed for a user or system-wide. Get the latest versionfrom releases:

Note: This requires Bitstream Vera is installed and will change yoursystems default serif, sans-serif and monospace fonts.

Why Bitstream Vera

The default serif, sans-serif and monospace font for most Linux distributions isDejaVu. DejaVu includes a wide range of symbols which override theTwitter Color Emoji characters. The previous solution was to makeTwitter Color Emoji the default system font, but that causes a number of issues.A better solution is a different font that doesn't override any emoji characterssuch as Bitstream Vera. Bitstream Vera is the source of the glyphs used inDejaVu, so it's not very different. 99%+ of people will not notice thedifference.

Additional default font options

The Noto and Roboto font families conflict far less than DejaVu. You maywant to try them. Primary issues are the 0x2639 and 0x263a characters.

Known issues

Manual install on any Linux

Install for the current user without root:

# 1. Download the latest version
# 2. Uncompress the file
tar zxf TwitterColorEmoji-SVGinOT-Linux-13.1.0.tar.gz
# 3. Run the installer
cd TwitterColorEmoji-SVGinOT-Linux-13.1.0

Install on Ubuntu Linux

Launchpad PPA:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:eosrei/fonts
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fonts-twemoji-svginot

Install on Arch Linux

Available in AUR as package ttf-twemoji-color.

Install on Gentoo Linux

Gentoo repository:

# Install layman using Portage with USE="git" enabled, the default.
emerge layman
# Add the repo.
layman -a jorgicio
# Install the package.
emerge twemoji-color-font

Install on MacOS

Both SVGinOT versions are available from releases:

  1. - The regular version of the fontinstalls like any other font and can be specifically selected, but MacOS willdefault to the Apple Color Emoji font for emojis.
  2. - A hack to replace the Apple Color Emoji font by using the same internal name. Install and acceptthe warning in Font Book.

A Homebrew package is available.

# Tap the caskroom/fonts keg, if needed.
brew tap caskroom/fonts
# Install the font using brew
brew cask install font-twitter-color-emoji

Reiterating: Only FireFox supports the SVGinOT color emoji for now. Safari andChrome will use the fallback black and white emoji.

Install on Windows

There are two install options for Windows. Both SVGinOT versions are availablefrom releases:

Standard install

The regular version of the font installs like any other font and can bespecifically selected, but Windows will default to the Segoe UI Emojifont for emoji characters. Download:

Replace the default Windows emoji fonts

Windows 7, 8, 10 use emoji from both Segoe UI Symbol and Segoe UI Emoji. Weneed to replace both fonts, but keep the existing symbol characters fromSegoe UI Symbol.

This package contains an install script that will generate both fonts (orin Windows 7, just Segoe UI Symbol) and install them for you. Running theinstall script requires both Python and pip in the PATH.

  1. Download the most recent Python 3 for Windows:
  2. Start the installer, select "Add Python 3.6 to PATH", finish the install process, then reboot.
  3. Download Twitter Color Emoji Windows package from releases:
  4. Uncompress the file.
  5. Open the new TwitterColorEmoji directory.
  6. Run install.cmd. Note: This will take some time.
  7. Install both new fonts when requested.
  8. Done!

Reiterating: Only FireFox and Edge (legacy) support the SVGinOT color emoji for now. Chrome and Edge (Chromium based) will use thefallback black and white emoji.


There are uninstall scripts for Windows and Linux available. Theyare also included in the release files.



  1. B&W SVGs are generated on-the-fly from the color SVGs
  2. The B&W SVGs are imported based on their filename to create either regularglyphs or ligature glyphs.
  3. The color SVGs are imported to override both types of glyphs.


  • Inkscape 1.0+
  • Imagemagick
  • potrace/mkbitmap
  • FontTools 4.14+
  • FontForge 20190801+
  • SVGO
  • make
  • SCFBuild (Created for this project!)

Setup and build on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install inkscape potrace npm nodejs fontforge \
devscripts python3-fontforge python3-pip python3-yaml imagemagick \
git make debhelper build-essential
sudo npm install -g svgo
sudo pip3 install fonttools
git clone
cd twemoji-color-font
git clone SCFBuild
make -j 4


The artwork and TTF fonts are licensed CC-BY-4.0. Please for details.

  • Twemoji 是 Twitter 开源的其完整的 Emoji 表情图片。开发者可以去GitHub下载完整的表情库,并把这些表情加入到自己的应用或网页中。 使用示例: var i = 0;twemoji.parse(  'emoji, m\u2764\uFE0Fn am\u2764\uFE0Fur',  function(icon, options, variant) {    if (i++ =

  • NAME \color - 用于指定数学的颜色。 概要 (SYNOPSIS) { \color #1 #2 } OPTIONS 输入 描述 #1 color #2 Mathematics to be colored 描述 \color命令用于指定数学的颜色。 例 \color{red}{ \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} }$ \color{red}{ \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}

  • new LSGlobe.Color(red, green, blue, alpha) 颜色类,用红、绿、蓝和透明度的值来描述(这几个值的范围是从0到1)。 Name Type Default Description red Number 1.0 optional 红色分量(R) green Number 1.0 optional 绿色分量(G) blue Number 1.0 optional 蓝

  • Random.color() Random.color() 随机生成一个有吸引力的颜色,格式为 '#RRGGBB'。 Random.color() // => "#3538B2" Random.hex() Random.hex() 随机生成一个有吸引力的颜色,格式为 '#RRGGBB'。 Random.hex() // => "#3538B2" Random.rgb() Random.rgb()

  • 介绍 (Introduction) Color类表示默认sRGB颜色空间中的颜色或ColorSpace标识的任意颜色空间中的颜色。 类声明 以下是java.awt.Color类的声明: public class Color extends Object implements Paint, Serializable 字段 (Field) 以下是java.awt.geom.Arc2

  • 描述 (Description) color属性设置元素的前景色(通常是文本的颜色)。 可能的值 (Possible Values) color - 应该是任何有效的颜色值。 适用于 (Applies to) 所有HTML元素。 DOM语法 (DOM Syntax) = "#a1a1a1"; 例子 (Example) 以下是显示此属性效果的示例 - <htm