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Tailwind/Alpine Chrome Extension Boilerplate

This is a starting place for building a Web Extension with Tailwindcss & Alpinejs

Hello World Popup Basic Popup with Tailwind Alpine Button Clicked Alpine @click Works! Hello World Options Basic Options


Setup local project

  • git clone git@github.com:thomasjohnkane/tailwind-alpine-chrome-extension.git
  • npm i && npm run dev

Install on Chrome

  • Navigate to chrome://extensions in Chrome;
  • Enable the Developer mode
  • Click on Load unpacked extension (upper left nav)
  • Upload the entire extension folder

Why use this?

  • It automatically puts tailwindcss.com into your project
  • It automatically puts alpinejs into your project
  • Hot reload (watches files and updates chrome)
  • Cross browser support (Chrome & Firefox, Safari/Edge TBD)
  • Provides basic popup.html & options.html (embeded in settings page)

Goals of project

  • Create a starting point for building web extensions
  • Use alpine.js and tailwind.css
  • Be cross browser (chrome, firefox, safari, edge?)
  • Full DX path integrated


  • Create folder structure
  • Add webpack
  • Make hello world work in dev
  • Add Tailwindcss
  • Add Alpinejs
  • Add package.json build scripts
  • Add hot reloading
  • Add basic options.html page
  • Handle sub views and routes for popup
  • Add basic example of content.js
  • Add basic example of background.js
  • Update readme with instructions, etc
  • Push to github
  • Add build-zip script for deployment
  • Tag release v1.0


  • Thanks to Caleb Porzio for Alpinejs
  • Thanks to Adam Watham for Tailwindcss
  • Thanks to @rubenspgcavalcante for Webpack Extension Reload plugin
  • Thanks to @Kocal, @EmailThis, and @williankeller for inspiration


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/thomasjohnkane/tailwind-alpine-chrome-extension/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
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