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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 马庆
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Available registries

Following the changes with the Rate Limiting on Docker Hub. Tweet here for more information in ����

  • On the Docker Hub without any prefix: zenika/alpine-chrome
  • On Google Cloud - available in the closest region:
    • Global: gcr.io/zenika-hub/alpine-chrome
    • Europe: eu.gcr.io/zenika-hub/alpine-chrome
    • Asia: asia.gcr.io/zenika-hub/alpine-chrome
    • US: us.gcr.io/zenika-hub/alpine-chrome

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

  • latest, 89 (Dockerfile)
  • with-node, 89-with-node, 89-with-node-14 (Dockerfile)
  • with-puppeteer, 89-with-puppeteer (Dockerfile)
  • with-playwright, 89-with-playwright (Dockerfile)
  • with-selenoid, 89-with-selenoid (Dockerfile)
  • with-chromedriver, 89-with-chromedriver (Dockerfile)
  • 86, 85, 84, 83, 81, 80, 77, 76, 73, 72, 71, 68, 64
  • 86-with-node, 85-with-node, 84-with-node, 83-with-node, 81-with-node, 80-with-node, 77-with-node, 76-with-node
  • 86-with-puppeteer, 85-with-puppeteer,84-with-puppeteer, 83-with-puppeteer, 81-with-puppeteer, 80-with-puppeteer, 77-with-puppeteer, 76-with-puppeteer


Chrome running in headless mode in a tiny Alpine image

�� Why use a Headless Chrome

In the world of webdev, the ability to run quickly end-to-end tests are important. Popular technologies like Puppeteer enable developers to make fun things like testing, automating forms, crawling, generating screenshots, capturing timeline... And there is a secret: some of these features are directly available on Chrome! ��

�� Crafting the perfect container

3 ways to securely use Chrome Headless with this image

With nothing

Launching the container using only docker container run -it zenika/alpine-chrome ... will fail with some logs similar to #33.

Please use the 3 others ways to use Chrome Headless.

With --no-sandbox

Launch the container using:

docker container run -it --rm zenika/alpine-chrome and use the --no-sandbox flag for all your commands.

Be careful to know the website you're calling.

Explanation for the no-sandbox flag in a quick introduction here and for More in depth design document here

With SYS_ADMIN capability

Launch the container using:docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome

This allows to run Chrome with sandboxing but needs unnecessary privileges from a Docker point of view.

The best: With seccomp

Thanks to ever-awesome Jessie Frazelle seccomp profile for Chrome. This is The most secure way to run this Headless Chrome docker image.


Also available here wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jfrazelle/dotfiles/master/etc/docker/seccomp/chrome.json

Launch the container using:docker container run -it --rm --security-opt seccomp=$(pwd)/chrome.json zenika/alpine-chrome

How to use in command line

Default entrypoint

The default entrypoint does the following command: chromium-browser --headless --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer --disable-dev-shm-usage

You can get full control by overriding the entrypoint using: docker container run -it --rm --entrypoint "" zenika/alpine-chrome chromium-browser ...

Use the devtools

Command (with no-sandbox): docker container run -d -p 9222:9222 zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --remote-debugging-address= --remote-debugging-port=9222 https://www.chromestatus.com/

Open your browser to: http://localhost:9222 and then click on the tab you want to inspect. Replace the beginninghttps://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@.../inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/[END]bychrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/[END]

Print the DOM

Command (with no-sandbox): docker container run -it --rm zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --dump-dom https://www.chromestatus.com/

Print a PDF

Command (with no-sandbox): docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --print-to-pdf --hide-scrollbars https://www.chromestatus.com/

Take a screenshot

Command (with no-sandbox): docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars https://www.chromestatus.com/

Size of a standard letterhead.

Command (with no-sandbox): docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars --window-size=1280,1696 https://www.chromestatus.com/

Nexus 5x

Command (with no-sandbox): docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars --window-size=412,732 https://www.chromestatus.com/

Screenshot owned by current user (by default the file is owned by the container user)

Command (with no-sandbox): docker container run -u `id -u $USER` -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --no-sandbox --screenshot --hide-scrollbars --window-size=412,732 https://www.chromestatus.com/

How to use with Deno

Go the deno src folder. Build your image using this command:

docker image build -t zenika/alpine-chrome:with-deno-sample .

Then launch the container:

docker container run -it --rm zenika/alpine-chrome:with-deno-sample
 Download https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
 Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
 Compile https://deno.land/std/examples/welcome.ts
 Welcome to Deno ��

With your own file, use this command:

docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome:with-deno-sample run helloworld.ts
Compile file:///usr/src/app/helloworld.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/fmt/colors.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/fmt/colors.ts
Hello world!

How to use with Puppeteer

With tool like "Puppeteer", we can add a lot things with our Chrome Headless.

With some code in NodeJS, we can improve and make some tests.

See the "with-puppeteer" folder for more details. We have to follow the mapping of Chromium => Puppeteer described here.

If you have a NodeJS/Puppeteer script in your src folder named pdf.js, you can launch it using the following command:

docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app/src --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome:with-puppeteer node src/pdf.js

With the "wqy-zenhei" library, you could also manipulate asian pages like in "screenshot-asia.js"

docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app/src --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome:with-puppeteer node src/screenshot-asia.js

These websites are tested with the following supported languages:

  • Chinese (with https://m.baidu.com)
  • Japanese (with https://www.yahoo.co.jp/)
  • Korean (with https://www.naver.com/)

How to use with Playwright

Like "Puppeteer", we can do a lot things using "Playwright" with our Chrome Headless.

Go to the with-playwright folder and launch the following command:

docker container run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/usr/src/app/src --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN zenika/alpine-chrome:with-playwright node src/useragent.js

A example-chromium.png file will be created in your with-playwright/src folder.

How to use with WebGL

By default, this image works with WebGL.

If you want to disable it, make sure to add --disable-gpu when launching Chromium.

The with-webgl tag still exists but is deprecated. It will be removed before end of August 2020.

docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --screenshot --hide-scrollbars https://webglfundamentals.org/webgl/webgl-fundamentals.html

docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zenika/alpine-chrome --screenshot --hide-scrollbars https://browserleaks.com/webgl


How to use with Chromedriver

ChromeDriver is a separate executable that Selenium WebDriver uses to control Chrome.You can use this image as a base for your Docker based selenium tests. See Guide for running Selenium tests using Chromedriver.

How to use with Selenoid

Selenoid is a powerful implementation of Selenium hub using Docker containers to launch browsers.Even if it used to run browsers in docker containers, it can be quite useful as lightweight Selenium replacement.with-selenoid image is a self sufficient selenium server, chrome and chromedriver installed.

You can run it with following command:

docker container run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN  -p 4444:4444 zenika/alpine-chrome:with-selenoid -capture-driver-logs

And run your tests against http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

One of the use-cases might be running automation tests in the environment with restricted Docker environmentlike on some CI systems like GitLab CI, etc. In such case you may not have permissions for --cap-add=SYS_ADMINand you will need to pass the --no-sandbox to chromedriver.

See more selenoid docs

Run as root and override default entrypoint

We can run the container as root with this command:

docker container run --rm -it --entrypoint "" --user root zenika/alpine-chrome sh

Run examples

Some examples are available on the examples directory:

  • �� docker-compose to launch a chrome calling a nginx server in the same docker-compose
  • ☸️ kubernetes to launch a pod with a headless chrome
  • �� x11 to experiment this image with a X11 server.


Versions (in latest)

Alpine version

docker container run -it --rm --entrypoint "" zenika/alpine-chrome cat /etc/alpine-release

Chrome version

docker container run -it --rm --entrypoint "" zenika/alpine-chrome chromium-browser --version
Chromium 89.0.4389.72

Image disk size

docker image inspect zenika/alpine-chrome --format='{{.Size}}'


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Julien Landuré

�� �� ⚠️ �� �� ��

Yonggang Luo

�� �� ��

Dennis Koch

�� �� ��

Sargon Piraev


Eric Briand



�� ��

Roman Pushkin


Juan Lladó


Chris Watson


Wang Guan


Óscar Soto Sánchez


Calinoiu Alexandru Nicolae


Mark Macdonald


Felix Mann




Emil Kjer


Jeff Gonzalez


George Gaál




Hodossy, Szabolcs


Corentin Ardeois


Danny Althoff


Chad Wilson

�� ��






�� ��

Jakob Ketterl


Piotr Sikora

�� ��

Pierre Grimaud


Niek van der Maas

�� ��


�� ��

Ageng D. Prastyawan


Neel Kamath


Peter Dave Hello



�� ��

Antoine Oili


Manuel Cepeda


Simon Frey


Santhosh C


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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  • 原来一直是用wkhtmltopdf来将网页打印成PDF文件,它是基于QtWebKit内核的。但最近有个很奇怪 的字体问题困扰着我。所以找找其它能在Linux下实现相同功能的方法。然后发现Chrome Headless模式可 以实现我想要的,而且用Chrome来实现,可以排除掉很多Bug怀疑。 Chrome Headless模式相当于一个没有界面的浏览器,能实现很多功能,能实现pdf打印,截图等,扩

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  • 1.镜像加速, 将原装的alpine库替换成国内的ustc库 sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apk/repositories 2. apk库更新 apk update 3.apk安装组件,比如常用的:ping、wget、curl等 wget与curl正常安装,安装好后即可使用 apk add wget ap

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