Twitter clone app with social github login authentication using react, webpack, jsx syntax and firebase as a service.
To work with this project locally, first install all dependecies:
npm install
To build and run the project, project runs on port 3000.
npm start
To make the final build before pushing to production:
npm run production
I recommend reading firebase docs to host and use realtime database for this project.
In a near future, I want to do a clone of this project to re-write it with the new React-hooks syntax. Once I do it, I will link it here, so you can appreciate the difference.
Note: This is the third in a series of posts about PWAs inside of React. For a quick primer, see the previous two posts here and here. 注意:这是有关React内部PWA的系列文章中的第三篇。 有关快速入门,请参见此处和此处的前两篇文章。 In this follo
Is React Translated Yet? ¡Sí! Sim! はい! February 23, 2019 by Nat Alison We’re excited to announce an ongoing effort to maintain official translations of the React documentation website into different l
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Full Stack Twitter Clone In the project, I am doing it to develop myself on the back-end side. I spend my experience and effort to become a full-stack developer using Node.js and mongoDB. In this proj
React Discord Clone Functional Discord Clone written in Typescript using React, Socket IO, NodeJS, Express and MySQL View the live verison at -> Check out
Git introduces --filter option to git clone command, which filters out large files and objects (such as blobs) to create partial clone of a repo. Clone filters are especially useful for large repo and
描述 (Description) clone( )方法克隆匹配的DOM元素并选择克隆。 这对于将元素的副本移动到DOM中的另一个位置非常有用。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是使用此方法的简单语法 - <i>selector</i>.clone( ) 参数 (Parameters) 以下是此方法使用的所有参数的说明 - NA 例子 (Example) 以下是一个简单的例子,简单地显示了这种方法的用
描述 (Description) 它返回具有相同模型列表的集合的新实例。 语法 (Syntax) collection.clone() 例子 (Example) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Collection Example</title> <script src = "