
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 楚意
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



Vue+Web+Native is a boilerplate based on Vue and Nativescript that allows for simultaneous development of web and native applications.


Before we start

Vue+Web+Native uses vue-native-web to compile all your files. These are the main features.

  • Latest version of vue-loader
  • Latest version of nativescript
  • Hot reload (for web only)
  • Vue single-file components
  • Extract CSS
  • Target either native or web
  • Target either iOS, Android or web
  • Custom blocks in single-file components


If you want to try it out Vue+Web+Native is set up with default values.

git clone
cd vue-web-native

Then you simply need to install the dependencies.

npm install


yarn install

And you're set!


There are a few things that are necessary to be able to use this boilerplate. By default, everything is already in place, so you should not run into any issues.

First, you need to make sure that your root folder contains an App_Resources folder with all the files required by your native app (e.g. splashscreens, configuration...).

For iOS, you should also specifiy your DEVELOPMENT_TEAM in the App_Resources/iOS/build.xconfig file.

Second, you also need to make sure that your src folder contains an assets folder, which will contain all your assets for both native and web apps.

Third, you will notice that the package.json file contains this:"nativescript" : { "id": "" }. This key is asbolutely required as this corresponds to your App Id. This will automatically get copied into the right places for you, you are free to change it but do not remove it.



These are the available commands.

build: build iOS, Android and web apps in production mode.
build:native: build iOS and Android apps in production mode.
build:web: build web app in production mode.
build:android: build android app in production mode.
build:ios: build iOS app in production mode.

watch: build iOS, Android and web apps in development mode and watches for changes.
watch:native: build iOS and Android apps in development mode and watches for changes.
watch:web: build web app in development mode and watches for changes.
watch:android: build Android app in development mode and watches for changes.
watch:ios: build iOS app in development mode and watches for changes.

debug: build iOS, Android and web apps in development mode with --debug option for native apps.
debug:native: build iOS and Android apps in development mode with --debug option.
debug:android: build Android app in development mode with --debug option.
debug:ios: build iOS app in development mode with --debug option.

hot: build web app in development mode with hot reload.
dev: build web app in development mode.

In single-file components

In single-file components, you can now add two attributes to your blocks: native or web. This attribute will tell webpack which part of this file to compile to which file.


<template web>
    <h1>Bonjour sur {{platform}}!</h1>

<template native>
    <Label class="h1">Bonjour sur {{platform}}!</Label>

This also works on <script> and <style>. For the moment, custom blocks are not supported. And of course, you can still add all the other attributes you are used to.


<style lang="sass" native scoped>
    background-color: black

If you do not add a specific attribute, the block will be compiled to both targets (native and web).


<template web>
    <h1 class="title">{{message}}</h1>

<template native>
    <Label class="title">{{message}}</Label>

export default { 
	data () {
		return {
			message: 'Salut' 

<style lang="css" scoped>
.title {
	color: red;

<style lang="sass" native>
	font-size: 30px

In all other files

In other files you can also tell webpack which part of said file are meant to be compiled for which target bu using two markers: /*--@web--*/ and /*--@native--*/.


import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './components/App'

const app = new Vue({
	render: h => h(App)



This can also be useful to only import the files you want.


import stripe from 'nativescript-stripe'

import stripe from 'stripe'


Add nativescript packages

You can add nativescript packages as usual simply by running:

npm install nativescript-package


yarn add nativescript-package

Webpack will then automatically detect whether your package is meant for nativescript or not and add it to the dependencies of your native app if it is.




As stated earlier, this project is still in a very early development stage so any contribution is welcome at this point.

  • Vue native修饰符 概述 在我们需要监听一个组件的原生事件时,必须给对应的事件加上.native修饰符,才能进行监听。 使用 <template> <div id="app"> <h1>基本程序已运行</h1> <MyButton @click.native="buttonClicked">自定义组件按钮</MyButton> </div> </template>

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  • 有时发现用一些第三方的组件库时,例如一个封装好的button按钮,绑定点击事件却没有任何作用,这时便需要加 .native 原因: v-on 是对 Vue 的事件体系封装后的 API 接口,官方文档中指出Vue 使用的是一套自己的事件传递机制,如 @click 等事件是经过 Vue 封装的。所以在一些实际上处理 DOM 原生事件的场合需要添加额外的标识符。 而.native就是给组件绑定原生事件采

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