Error handler for pure Koa >=2.0.0
JSON apps where showing the stack trace is cool!
npm install --save koa-json-error
support Koa^2.0.0
. For earlier versions of Koa, please use previous releases.
Starting from
, this package supports node>=6.0.0
to match Koa requirements.
'use strict';
const koa = require('koa');
const error = require('koa-json-error')
let app = new Koa();
If you don't really feel that showing the stack trace is that cool, you can customize the way errors are shown on responses. There's a basic and more advanced, granular approach to this.
You can provide a single formatter function as an argument on middleware initialization. It receives the original raised error and it is expected to return a formatted response.
Here's a simple example:
'use strict';
const koa = require('koa');
const error = require('koa-json-error')
function formatError(err) {
return {
// Copy some attributes from
// the original error
status: err.status,
message: err.message,
// ...or add some custom ones
success: false,
reason: 'Unexpected'
let app = new Koa();
This basic configuration is essentially the same (and serves as a shorthand for) the following:
'use strict';
let app = new Koa();
preFormat: null,
format: formatError
See section below.
You can also customize errors on responses through a series of three formatter functions, specified in an options
object. They receive the raw error object and return a formatted response. This gives you fine-grained control over the final output and allows for different formats on various environments.
You may pass in the options
object as argument to the middleware. These are the available settings.
options.preFormat (Function)
Perform some task before calling options.format
. Must be a function with the original err
as its only argument.
Defaults to:
(err) => Object.assign({}, err)
Which sets all enumerable properties of err
onto the formatted object.
options.format (Function)
Runs inmediatly after options.preFormat
. It receives two arguments: the original err
and the output of options.preFormat
. It should return
a newly formatted error.
Defaults to adding the following non-enumerable properties to the output:
It also defines a status
property like so:
obj.status = err.status || err.statusCode || 500;
options.postFormat (Function)
Runs inmediatly after options.format
. It receives two arguments: the original err
and the output of options.format
. It should return
a newly formatted error.
The default is a no-op (final output is defined by options.format
This option is useful when you want to preserve the default functionality and extend it in some way.
For example,
'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const koa = require('koa');
const error = require('koa-json-error')
let options = {
// Avoid showing the stacktrace in 'production' env
postFormat: (e, obj) => process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? _.omit(obj, 'stack') : obj
let app = new Koa();
Modifying the error inside the
functions will mutate the original object. Be aware of that if any other Koa middleware runs after this one.
在写接口时,返回json格式且易读的错误提示是有必要的,koa-json-error中间件帮我们做到了 安装使用koa-json-error npm i koa-json-error -S const error = require('koa-json-error')` app.use(error({ postFormat: (e, { stack, }) => process
// 初始化 KETTLE_JSON_PLUGIN 插件在kettle目录下/plugins的路径 StepPluginType.getInstance().getPluginFolders().add(new PluginFolder(KETTLE_JSON_PLUGIN, false, true)); KettleEnvironment.init(); ---报错 2022/07/08 16:
TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON –> starting at object with constructor ‘Socket’ | property ‘parser’ -> object with constructor ‘HTTPParser’ — property ‘socket’ closes the circle #在使用e
错误日志 [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 4.233 s [INFO] Finished at: 2018-11-05T10:22:27+08:00 [INFO] --------------
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注意,这一节的内容最早由 Pascal Voitot 发表在 上。(文章太旧,请带着批判的眼光去读。) 现在已经知道如何验证 JSON,以及如何将 JSON 转成任意结构或将任意结构转成 JSON。但当我开始用那些组合子来写 web 应用,我立即遇到了这样的情况:从网络中读取 JSON,验证它然后再将它转成 JSON。 JSON coast-to-coast 设计介绍
Hutool-json 为何集成 JSON在现在的开发中做为跨平台的数据交换格式已经慢慢有替代XML的趋势(比如RestFul规范),我想大家在开发中对外提供接口也越来越多的使用JSON格式。 不可否认,现在优秀的JSON框架非常多,我经常使用的像阿里的FastJSON,Jackson等都是非常优秀的包,性能突出,简单易用。Hutool开始也并不想自己写一个JSON,但是在各种工具的封装中,发现J
不像一些其他语言,Java没有对JSON提供一流的支持,所以我们提供了两个类,来使你的应用程序Vert.x处理JSON更容易一点。 JSON 对象 JsonObject类表示 JSON 对象。 JSON对象基本上是有字符串键和值的map,值可以是JSON的一个支持的类型(字符串,数字,布尔值)。 JSON 对象还支持 null 值。 创建 JSON 对象 可以使用默认的构造函数创建空的 JSON
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