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Programming Quotes API for open source projects.
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 勾裕
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Programming Quotes API

Programming Quotes API for open source projects.

Homepage: programming-quotes-api.herokuapp.com

Github repo: github.com/skolakoda/programming-quotes-api

API Documentation

Suported languages: en, sr.

Public routes

GET /quotes (get all quotes)

GET /quotes/lang/en (get quotes by language)

GET /quotes/page/2 (get quotes by page)

GET /quotes/random (get random quote)

GET /quotes/random/lang/sr (get random quote by language)

GET /quotes/id/5a6ce86f2af929789500e824 (get quote by id)

Protected routes

POST /quotes/vote (post vote)

  • required params: quoteId, newVote (number from 1 to 5)

POST /quotes (for registered user)

  • required params: token, author, en
  • optional: source, sr
  • author name should be from Wikipedia

PUT /quotes (update quote for admin)

  • required params: token, _id, author, en
  • optional: source, sr

DELETE: /quotes (for admin)

  • required params: token, _id


GET /auth/{provider} (user login)

  • suported providers: Github, Google
  • opens login page

After successful login, user will be redirected to client app. The client app should handle token on this route: #/auth/{provider}/${token}.

GET /auth/{provider}:token (get user data)

  • returns info on current user



Env variables

Create .env file proper values:

# Database credentials (obtain from MongoDB)

# obtain from Github (have two separate OAuth apps, for local and for production)
# OAuth 2.0 client IDs (obtain from Google API Console)
# whatever random string you like

# use development for local testing


npm i
npm run dev

See server logs:

heroku logs --app programming-quotes-api


Deploy will be done automatically after merge into master branch.

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