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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 莫英喆
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知

NGXP Quotes App

Quotes application for Web and Mobile (Android, iOS) with single code base buit with Angular and Nativescript.

If you want to create your own cross-platform app similar to this, check this starter: nativescript-angular-web-starter.

Previews and Screenshots

You can check previews and screenshots of this application for Web, Android and iOS platforms at ngxp.io


  1. Globally installed Nativecript - npm install -g nativescript
  2. Globally installed Angular CLI - npm install -g angular-cli
  3. Mac OS to build iOS app.


  1. git clone https://github.com/shripalsoni04/ngxp-quotes-app.git
  2. cd ngxp-quotes-app
  3. npm run ngxp-install
    • As we are using nativescript-firebase plugin, just press y for below two questions when asked while installation.
      • are you using iOS?
      • are you using android?
      • For all other questions press n.

Run Web application

npm start - This will start the application at http://localhost:4200.

Run iOS Application

  • First start the simulator or connect the iOS device.
  • Execute npm run start.ios
  • Note - If you are using XCode8 then you need to set the DEVELPMENT_TEAM. There are two ways to set it.
    1. Using XCode
      • After executing npm run start.ios command, open project wordspace file nativescript/platforms/ios/nativescript.xcworkspace in XCode
      • Click on nativescript project in XCode and set Team from General Tab.
      • The issue with thie approach is, you need to set it everytime you remove and add the iOS platform.
    2. From build.xconfig (preferable)
      • Open nativescript/app/App_Resources/iOS/build.xconfig file.
      • Uncomment DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = YOUR_TEAM_ID; line, and enter your team id.

Run Android Application

  • Execute npm run start.android


You can execute any valid command of angular-cli from web/ folder and any valid command of nativescript-cli from nativescript/ folder.For convenince below are the commands which you can execute from root directory.


Command Description
npm run ngxp-install Installs dependencies of web and nativescript applications. Creates symlink of x-shared folder in both web and nativescript project.

Web Application

Command Description
npm start Starts web application at http://localhost:4200
npm run start.prod Starts web application in production mode. Runs uglification and minification.
npm run start.aot Performs AOT for web application templates and starts web application.
npm run start.aot.prod Performs AOT, minification, uglification and starts web application.
npm run build Builds the web application and copy the built project in web/dist folder.
npm run build.prod Builds the web application in production mode and copy the built project in web/dist folder.
npm run build.aot Performs AOT, build the project and then copy the built project in web/dist folder.
npm run build.aot.prod Performs AOT, prepares production build and then copy the built project in web/dist folder.
npm test Runs web application and x-shared unit test cases. It will not generate code coverage report.
npm run test-cc Runs web application and x-shared unit test cases and generates code coverage report.

Nativescript Application

Command Description
npm run start.ios Runs application on iOS emulator/device
npm run start.android Runs application on Android emulator/device
npm run livesync.ios Starts application in livesync mode on iOS emulator/device.
npm run livesync.android Starts application in livesync mode on Android emulator/device.

Known Issues and Solution

  1. Angular dependencies at two levels for AOT support
  • Currently we have added angular dependencies in root level package.json and web/package.json. Because, AOT does not work properly when we use path mapping and this issue is reported and can be traked at https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/1732 and PR:https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/pull/2470. Once this issue is resolved we can add path mapping as shown below and remove the angular dependencies from web/package.json, so in case of any version update we just need to change the version at root directory level.


    "paths": {
        "@angular/*": ["../../node_modules/@angular/*"]

Attributes (All are npm packages)

  1. nativescript-cardview
  2. nativescript-floatingactionbutton
  3. nativescript-iqkeyboardmanager
  4. nativescript-material-icons
  5. nativescript-ngx-fonticon
  6. nativescript-plugin-firebase
  7. nativescript-social-share
  8. nativescript-swiss-army-knife
  9. nativescript-theme-core
  10. angular-mdl
  11. Awesome framework and toolchain of Nativescript and Angular.
  • Smart quotes were detected Pod installation complete! There are 18 dependencies from the Podfile and 19 total pods installed. [!] Smart quotes were detected and ignored in your Podfile. To avoid issue

  • 题意: 在TeX中,左双引号是“``”,右双引号是“''”。 输入一篇包含双引号的文章,你的任务是 把它转换成TeX的格式。 样例输入: "To be or not to be," quoth the Bard, "that is the question". 样例输出: ``To be or not to be,'' quoth the Bard, ``that is the question'

  • UVA 272 Tex Quotes TeX is a typesetting language developed by Donald Knuth. It takes source text together with a few typesetting instructions and produces, one hopes, a beautiful document. Beautiful d

  • #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int c; int q = 1; while((c = getchar())!= EOF) { if(c == '"') { printf("%s",q ? "``" :

  • Description TEX is a typesetting language developed by Donald Knuth. It takes source text together with a few typesetting instructions and produces, one hopes, a beautiful document. Beautiful document

  • 1、作用:设置为On时,对获得的数据中的单引号、双引号和反斜线进行转义。 2、默认情况下php.ini中magic_quotes_gpc设置为On,magic_quotes_runtime设置为Off。 3、magic_quotes_gpc和magic_quotes_runtime两者区别: magic_quotes_gpc作用于post,get,cookie获得的数据; magic_quotes

  • 以前我写php的没有多想这个魔术引用的问题   最近不是挺忙就研究了一下,没有想到设置魔术引用的还有两个了呢   magic_quotes_gpc是设置Get、Post、Cookies的,此设置为on是客户端提交过来的数据会自动转义的,这个转义是用来操作数据库时使用的,如果你用来显示的化还是要去掉这转义的,不然显示就多个反斜杠了   magic_quotes_gpc是不能在php运行中设置的。  

  • #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main(){     char c;     bool p=true;     while((c=getchar())!=EOF){         if(c=='"'){             printf("%s",p?"``"

  • TEX is a typesetting language developed by Donald Knuth. It takes source text together with a few typesetting instructions and produces, one hopes, a beautiful document. Beautiful documents use “ and

  • NGXP Seed A "simple" starter project to create native mobile and web apps with single shared code base using angular and nativescript. It is designed to plug to the spring-rest-api-starter backend. Th

  • 描述 (Description) quotes属性用于定义在嵌套报价的每个级别使用的报价对。 可能的值 (Possible Values) 《string》《string》 - 一对字符串值,用于表示打开和关闭引号。 none - 这可以防止属性内容上的open-quote和close-quote值生成任何引号。 适用于 (Applies to) 所有HTML元素。 例子 (Example) 这是

  • Programming Quotes API Programming Quotes API for open source projects. Homepage: programming-quotes-api.herokuapp.com Github repo: github.com/skolakoda/programming-quotes-api API Documentation Suport

  • 为什么已经从PHP中删除了,还有其他原因吗?

  • 我有一个非常奇怪的问题。 我所设置的是一个文件,它向雅虎财经网站发送一个url请求,然后使用结果在JFrame中绘制一个JFreeChart。 我就是不明白以下几点: 对于某些url请求,JFrame崩溃 它会启动,但只显示一个白色屏幕。而对于其他请求,我的程序运行良好。 例如: 本请求: 很好。 但是这个要求: 导致错误。 这怎么可能? 我知道以下几点: JFrame崩溃,但JVM没有注意到它(

  • Smarty will recognize assigned variables embedded in double quotes so long as the variables contain only numbers, letters, underscores and brackets []. With any other characters (period, object refere