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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
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Node.js Express API with TypeScript 3

Node.js Express API with TypeScript 3. Supports MongoDB


This skeleton will help you to build your own Node.js Express Mongodb API using TypeScript 3.

Project Introduction


  • jwt authentication
Session Storage:
  • MongoDB
Integration testing
  • mocha
  • chai
  • supertest


  • node >= 10
  • npm >= 6
  • mongodb >= 3.0
  • typescript >= 3.0

Running the API


To start the application in development mode, run:

npm install

Start the application in dev env:

npm run dev

Start the application in production env:

Install ts pm2 and typescript compiler:

npm install -g pm2
pm2 install typescript

example start with scale on 2 core:

pm2 start ./src/index.ts -i 2 --no-daemon


npm run build
pm2 start ./build/index.js

Express server listening on http://localhost:3000/, in development modeThe developer mode will watch your changes then will transpile the TypeScript code and re-run the node application automatically.


To run integration tests:

npm test

Set up environment

In root folder you can find .env. You can use this config or change it for your purposes.If you want to add some new variables, you also need to add them to interface and config object (Look src/config/index.ts)


npm install -g swagger-jsdoc
swagger-jsdoc -d swaggerDef.js -o swagger.json

Swagger documentation will be available on route:

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