A simple, minimal PostgreSQL session store for Express/Connect
npm install connect-pg-simple
Once npm installed the module, you need to create the "session" table in your database.
For that you can use the table.sql file provided with the module:
psql mydatabase < node_modules/connect-pg-simple/table.sql
Or simply play the file via a GUI, like the pgAdminIII queries tool.
Or instruct this module to create it itself, by setting the createTableIfMissing
Note that connect-pg-simple
requires PostgreSQL version 9.5 or above.
Examples are based on Express 4.
Simple example:
const session = require('express-session');
store: new (require('connect-pg-simple')(session))({
// Insert connect-pg-simple options here
secret: process.env.FOO_COOKIE_SECRET,
resave: false,
cookie: { maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // 30 days
// Insert express-session options here
Advanced example showing some custom options:
const pg = require('pg');
const expressSession = require('express-session');
const pgSession = require('connect-pg-simple')(expressSession);
const pgPool = new pg.Pool({
// Insert pool options here
store: new pgSession({
pool : pgPool, // Connection pool
tableName : 'user_sessions' // Use another table-name than the default "session" one
// Insert connect-pg-simple options here
secret: process.env.FOO_COOKIE_SECRET,
resave: false,
cookie: { maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // 30 days
// Insert express-session options here
Listed in the order they will be picked up. If multiple are defined, then the first in the lists that is defined will be used, the rest ignored.
to be used for DB communications.conString
to specify a PostgreSQL Pool connection object and this module will create a new pool for you.conObject
to specify a PostgreSQL connection string and this module will create a new pool for you. If the connection string is in the DATABASE_URL
environment variable (as you do by default on eg. Heroku) – then this module fallback to that if this option is not specified.true
then creates the table in the case where the table does not already exist. Defaults to false
disables the updating of TTL in the database when using touch. Defaults to false.session
, then you can specify that here.60
seconds. If set to false
no automatic pruning will happen. By default every delay is randomized between 50% and 150% of set value, resulting in an average delay equal to the set value, but spread out to even the load on the database. Automatic pruning will happen pruneSessionInterval
seconds after the last pruning (includes manual prunes).false
, then the exact value of pruneSessionInterval
will be used in all delays. No randomization will happen. If multiple instances all start at once, disabling randomization can mean that multiple instances are all triggering pruning at once, causing unnecessary load on the database. Can also be set to a method, taking a numeric delay
parameter and returning a modified one, thus allowing a custom delay algorithm if wanted.console.error()
, but can be useful to override if one eg. uses Bunyan for logging.Promise
that will resolve when the database has shut down.false
– which can be useful if one wants improved control of the pruning.Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.
The maintainers of connect-pg-simple and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source packages you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact packages you use. Learn more.
使用pg连接PostgreSQL数据库 服务器安装PostgreSQL(以Ubuntu系统为例,已安装docker的情况下) # 拉取postgres镜像 docker pull postgres # 查看已安装镜像 docker images # 运行镜像 POSTGRES_PASSWORD=[自定义数据库密码] POSTGRES_USER=[自定义数据库用户名] docker run
nodejs连接pg数据库有两种方式,一种是直接连接、操作、断开 还有一种是使用连接池,这种方式可以有效提升多并发的效率 下边是使用两种不同方式的测试代码: var pgOpt = require('pg'); /* * 使用连接池 * */ function connectPgWithPool() { var pgConfig = { user: 'postgre
PostgreSql是一个面向对象的关系数据库,postgis是一个基于PostgreSql的空间数据库插件,主要用于管理地理空间数据。因此在GIS领域,广泛使用PostgreSql作为空间数据库。 在Node.js中有专门的模块可以用来连接PostgreSql数据库,首先从npm资源库中获取数据库模块,名为”pg”: npm install pg 该模块连接数据库有两种方式: 1 使用连接池 v
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花了3+个小时解决的问题,记录一下。 我在 Ubuntu 18.04 上安装 npm install pg 时,出现错误: ...... gyp ERR! configure error gyp ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onCpExit (/usr/sh
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pg 是一个用于golang database/sql 的 PostgreSQL 驱动。 安装 go get github.com/blusewang/pg 使用 db, err := sql.Open("pg", "pg://user:password@dbhost.yourdomain.com/database_name?application_name=app_name&sslmode=v
问题内容: 可以这样插入一行: 这种方法会自动注释掉任何特殊字符。 如何一次插入多行? 我需要实现这一点: 我可以只使用js字符串运算符手动编译此类行,但是随后我需要以某种方式添加特殊字符转义符。 问题答案: 下面这篇文章:性能提升,从PG-承诺库,其建议的方法: 完全按照您的情况使用的示例: 它也将与一系列对象一起工作: 更新1 有关通过单个查询的高性能方法,请参见使用pg-promise进行多
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