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Server Side Rendering for React demo project
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 成浩漫
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

SSR News - React

React Server Side Rendering demo project. This project uses News API under the hood.

Demo: Click to see DEMO

SSR News

Getting Started

This project created for a Meetup talk about Server Side Rendering with React.

There is also a SPA version of same project.


First clone project and install dependencies

$ mkdir react-news && cd react-news
$ git clone https://github.com/ilkeraltin/react-ssr-news.git
$ cd react-ssr-news
$ npm install

Navigate to News API and grab your API key.

Find config.js in root folder and update API Key.

const config = {
  apikey: 'enter-your-api-key'

Run on local

$ npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000


Deployment build

$ npm run build:prod

You can deploy this project to:

Built With

  • ⚛ React + Express – SSR Setup with TypeScript Advertising: I wrote a book about React. There's a German and an English version. Buy one if you like this project and you want to support my work! Englis

  • ssr

    React Server-Side Rendering Example Above is an example playground for you to play with React & Redux on Client and Server sides.Before jumping into it, make sure to read SSR tutorial on Freecodecamp

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  • 使用 在SSR-3目录中 npm install 安装依赖 打包服务端 npm run server:build 打包客户端 npm run client:build 在dist目录index.ssr.html中引入客户端代码<script src="./client.bundle.js"></script> 执行服务端脚本 node server.js webpack5.0尝鲜 SSR+Vue+