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Securing RESTful APIs with JWT

How to secure a Nodejs RESTful CRUD API using JSON web tokens?

This tutorial will demo how to use JWT with an existing bare bonesAPI using mongodb as the database.

It consist of a User model and controller. The modeldefines the data, and the controller will contain allthe business logic needed to interact with the database.

It has a db file which will be used toconnect the app to the database, and an app file usedfor bootstrapping the application itself.

The server file is used to spin up the server and tells theapp to listen on a specific port.

The auth folder contains the configuration for registering andlogging users in, signing and verifying tokens.

Follow the tutorial for this repository at https://medium.freecodecamp.org/securing-node-js-restful-apis-with-json-web-tokens-9f811a92bb52

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