
授权协议 MIT License
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软件类型 开源软件
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适用人群 未知

React Pro Sidebar

Customizable and responsive react sidebar library with dropdown menus and unlimited number of nested submenus


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yarn add react-pro-sidebar


npm install react-pro-sidebar


import { ProSidebar, Menu, MenuItem, SubMenu } from 'react-pro-sidebar';
import 'react-pro-sidebar/dist/css/styles.css';

  <Menu iconShape="square">
    <MenuItem icon={<FaGem />}>Dashboard</MenuItem>
    <SubMenu title="Components" icon={<FaHeart />}>
      <MenuItem>Component 1</MenuItem>
      <MenuItem>Component 2</MenuItem>

If you are using sass then you can import the styles.scss directly into your scss file

@import '~react-pro-sidebar/dist/scss/styles.scss';

Sidebar Layout

You can take advantage of the sidebar layout components to organize the content of your sidebar

import { ProSidebar, SidebarHeader, SidebarFooter, SidebarContent } from 'react-pro-sidebar';

     *  You can add a header for the sidebar ex: logo
     *  You can add the content of the sidebar ex: menu, profile details, ...
     *  You can add a footer for the sidebar ex: copyright

Custom Styling

There are sets of sass variables available which you can override to define your own styles

You need to include your override variables before importing the scss file

Your custom.scss file should look something like this

// Your variable overrides
$sidebar-bg-color: #1d1d1d;

@import '~react-pro-sidebar/dist/scss/styles.scss';

Available scss variables

$sidebar-bg-color: #1d1d1d !default;
$sidebar-color: #adadad !default;
$sidebar-width: 270px !default;
$sidebar-collapsed-width: 80px !default;
$highlight-color: #d8d8d8 !default;
$submenu-bg-color: #2b2b2b !default;
$submenu-bg-color-collapsed: #2b2b2b !default;
$icon-bg-color: #2b2b2b !default;
$icon-size: 35px !default;
$submenu-indent: 24px !default;
$breakpoint-xs: 480px !default;
$breakpoint-sm: 576px !default;
$breakpoint-md: 768px !default;
$breakpoint-lg: 992px !default;
$breakpoint-xl: 1200px !default;
$breakpoint-xxl: 1600px !default;

Using nested sub-menus

You can have as many nested menu-items and sub-menus as you like, and the syntax is very simple

<Menu iconShape="square">
  <SubMenu title="Components" icon={<FaGem />}>
    <MenuItem>Component 1</MenuItem>
    <SubMenu title="Sub Component 1" icon={<FaHeart />}>
      {/* you can have more nested submenus ... */}

Using React Router Dom

Here is an example on how to use react router dom in the menu item

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

<MenuItem icon={<FaGem />}>
  <Link to="/" />


Component Prop Type Description Default
ProSidebar collapsed boolean collapsed status of the sidebar false
rtl boolean RTL direction false
toggled string Toggle status of the sidebar when break point is enabled false
onToggle (value:boolean)=>{} Callback function called when toggled status changes, happens when overlay is clicked -
breakPoint xs | sm | md | lg | xl Set break point to specify when the sidebar should be responsive -
width number | string Width of the sidebar 270px
collapsedWidth number | string Width of the sidebar on collapsed state 80px
image string Url of the image to use in the sidebar background -
Menu iconShape 'square' | 'round' | 'circle' Shape of the menu icons -
popperArrow boolean if true, an arrow will be displayed when sidebar collapsed to point to sub-menu wrapper false
innerSubMenuArrows boolean if true, arrows will be displayed for each inner submenu true
subMenuBullets boolean if true, bullets will be displayed for each inner submenu/menuItem false
MenuItem icon ReactNode Icon for the menu item -
active boolean Set active menu items false
prefix ReactNode Add a prefix to the menuItem -
suffix ReactNode Add a suffix to the menuItem -
SubMenu title string | ReactNode Title for the submenu -
icon ReactNode Icon for submenu -
defaultOpen boolean Set if the submenu is open by default false
open boolean Set open value if you want to control the state -
prefix ReactNode Add a prefix to the submenu -
suffix ReactNode Add a suffix to the submenu -
onOpenChange (open: boolean)=>{} Callback function called when submenu state changes -


MIT © Mohamed Azouaoui

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