
Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 高钱青
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Build Status

Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js

�� Install & Usage

$ npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-node
  • Requires Node.js >=8.10.0
  • Requires ESLint >=5.16.0

Note: It recommends a use of the "engines" field of package.json. The "engines" field is used by node/no-unsupported-features/* rules.

.eslintrc.json (An example)

    "extends": [
    "parserOptions": {
        // Only ESLint 6.2.0 and later support ES2020.
        "ecmaVersion": 2020
    "rules": {
        "node/exports-style": ["error", "module.exports"],
        "node/file-extension-in-import": ["error", "always"],
        "node/prefer-global/buffer": ["error", "always"],
        "node/prefer-global/console": ["error", "always"],
        "node/prefer-global/process": ["error", "always"],
        "node/prefer-global/url-search-params": ["error", "always"],
        "node/prefer-global/url": ["error", "always"],
        "node/prefer-promises/dns": "error",
        "node/prefer-promises/fs": "error"

package.json (An example)

    "name": "your-module",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "type": "commonjs",
    "engines": {
        "node": ">=8.10.0"

�� Rules

  • ⭐️ - the mark of recommended rules.
  • ✒️ - the mark of fixable rules.

Possible Errors

Rule ID Description
node/handle-callback-err require error handling in callbacks
node/no-callback-literal ensure Node.js-style error-first callback pattern is followed
node/no-exports-assign disallow the assignment to exports ⭐️
node/no-extraneous-import disallow import declarations which import extraneous modules ⭐️
node/no-extraneous-require disallow require() expressions which import extraneous modules ⭐️
node/no-missing-import disallow import declarations which import non-existence modules ⭐️
node/no-missing-require disallow require() expressions which import non-existence modules ⭐️
node/no-new-require disallow new operators with calls to require
node/no-path-concat disallow string concatenation with __dirname and __filename
node/no-process-exit disallow the use of process.exit()
node/no-unpublished-bin disallow bin files that npm ignores ⭐️
node/no-unpublished-import disallow import declarations which import private modules ⭐️
node/no-unpublished-require disallow require() expressions which import private modules ⭐️
node/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins disallow unsupported ECMAScript built-ins on the specified version ⭐️
node/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax disallow unsupported ECMAScript syntax on the specified version ⭐️
node/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins disallow unsupported Node.js built-in APIs on the specified version ⭐️
node/process-exit-as-throw make process.exit() expressions the same code path as throw ⭐️
node/shebang suggest correct usage of shebang ⭐️ ✒️

Best Practices

Rule ID Description
node/no-deprecated-api disallow deprecated APIs ⭐️

Stylistic Issues

Rule ID Description
node/callback-return require return statements after callbacks
node/exports-style enforce either module.exports or exports
node/file-extension-in-import enforce the style of file extensions in import declarations ✒️
node/global-require require require() calls to be placed at top-level module scope
node/no-mixed-requires disallow require calls to be mixed with regular variable declarations
node/no-process-env disallow the use of process.env
node/no-restricted-import disallow specified modules when loaded by import declarations
node/no-restricted-require disallow specified modules when loaded by require
node/no-sync disallow synchronous methods
node/prefer-global/buffer enforce either Buffer or require("buffer").Buffer
node/prefer-global/console enforce either console or require("console")
node/prefer-global/process enforce either process or require("process")
node/prefer-global/text-decoder enforce either TextDecoder or require("util").TextDecoder
node/prefer-global/text-encoder enforce either TextEncoder or require("util").TextEncoder
node/prefer-global/url-search-params enforce either URLSearchParams or require("url").URLSearchParams
node/prefer-global/url enforce either URL or require("url").URL
node/prefer-promises/dns enforce require("dns").promises
node/prefer-promises/fs enforce require("fs").promises

Deprecated rules

These rules have been deprecated in accordance with the deprecation policy, and replaced by newer rules:

Rule ID Replaced by
node/no-hide-core-modules (nothing)
node/no-unsupported-features node/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax and node/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins

�� Configs

This plugin provides three configs:

  • plugin:node/recommended considers both CommonJS and ES Modules. If "type":"module" field existed in package.json then it considers files as ES Modules. Otherwise it considers files as CommonJS. In addition, it considers *.mjs files as ES Modules and *.cjs files as CommonJS.
  • plugin:node/recommended-module considers all files as ES Modules.
  • plugin:node/recommended-script considers all files as CommonJS.

Those preset config:

  • enable no-process-exit rule because the official document does not recommend a use of process.exit().
  • enable plugin rules which are given in the above table.
  • add {ecmaVersion: 2019} and etc into parserOptions.
  • add proper globals into globals.
  • add this plugin into plugins.

�� FAQ

�� Semantic Versioning Policy

eslint-plugin-node follows semantic versioning and ESLint's Semantic Versioning Policy.

  • Patch release (intended to not break your lint build)
    • A bug fix in a rule that results in it reporting fewer errors.
    • Improvements to documentation.
    • Non-user-facing changes such as refactoring code, adding, deleting, or modifying tests, and increasing test coverage.
    • Re-releasing after a failed release (i.e., publishing a release that doesn't work for anyone).
  • Minor release (might break your lint build)
    • A bug fix in a rule that results in it reporting more errors.
    • A new rule is created.
    • A new option to an existing rule is created.
    • An existing rule is deprecated.
  • Major release (likely to break your lint build)
    • A support for old Node version is dropped.
    • A support for old ESLint version is dropped.
    • An existing rule is changed in it reporting more errors.
    • An existing rule is removed.
    • An existing option of a rule is removed.
    • An existing config is updated.

�� Changelog

❤️ Contributing

Welcome contributing!

Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs.

Development Tools

  • npm test runs tests and measures coverage.
  • npm run coverage shows the coverage result of npm test command.
  • npm run clean removes the coverage result of npm test command.
  • 最近在研究怎样在webpack打包中加入代码格式审查,看到一大堆各种莫名其妙的eslint相关扩展插件,头大,不明所以,随花了两天时间研究了一下相应的操作; 一般我们使用eslint是想格式化我们的代码,使它更规范,大家能约定熟成,便于统一项目代码风格,减少不必要的格式错误; 一般理想的状态是,大家提交代码之前一会自动格式化,并检查格式错误,给予提示; git钩子husky hsuky的作用是在我

  • 全局安装eslint,同时也需要安装其他几个包: F:\mywork\vue\mpvue1st>cnpm install -g eslint F:\mywork\vue\mpvue1st>cnpm install -g eslint-plugin-html F:\mywork\vue\mpvue1st>cnpm install -g babel-eslint F:\mywork\vue\mpvue

  • ESLint 配置 一、eslint 安装 1、全局安装 npm i -g eslint 全局安装的好处是,在任何项目我们都可以使用eslint的全局命令进行代码规则操作,但是这对我们的意义并不大,后续会详细介绍; 全局安装之后,要求相关的eslint插件页必须全局安装,这对多人开发项目来说会比项目安装更加繁琐。所以,我们这里采用在项目上安装eslint: 2、项目安装 npm i -D esli

  • vue工程项目中使用@vue/eslint-config-standard包,其依赖eslint-plugin-import,但是由于最近eslint-plugin-import包的作者升级了版本,导致项目build会报错: Syntax Error: Thread Loader (Worker 0) Cannot find module 'array.prototype.flatmap' Ref

  • error @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@5.11.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0". Got "12.19.0" error Found incompatible module. i

  • eslint-plugin-vue@8.7.1: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0”. Got “14.15.3” 输入运行以下命令: yarn config set ignore-engines true 重新 yarn in

  • 问题描述 vue项目在引入eslint代码质量检查工具时报错Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-vue',提示缺少依赖,在按照官方文档要求安装之后错误仍然未解决,此时node_mudules中已经有了eslint-plugin-vue这个包, 解决方案 全局安装eslint-plugin-vue这个包。 npm i -g eslint-plugin-vue 报错原

  • 在 egg 项目中,初次安装 npm 包的时候,报错如下: Oops! Something went wrong! :( ESLint: 5.16.0. ESLint couldn't find the plugin "eslint-plugin-jsdoc". This can happen for a couple different reasons: 1. If ESLint is in

  • 报错信息 Oops! Something went wrong! :( ESLint couldn't find the plugin "eslint-plugin-@typescript-eslint". This can happen for a couple different reasons: 1. If ESLint is installed globally, then make

  • eslint 报错 [vue/no-unused-vars] ‘index’ is defined but never used. 打开vscode,找到设置,搜索 setting.json 写入 如下配置,“vetur.validation.template”: false, 保存关闭后,重新打开

  • 如果尝试了网上的各种引入插件和配置VScode Eslint 后工作空间仍然不提示,不自动根据Eslint规则,进行代码修复,请看下边操作。 // 错误场景为,总是提示找不到@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin,不管是删除node_modules文件夹重新install、还是和同事对各个环节的

  • 前端项目启动时报错,找不到 'eslint-webpack-plugin’模块。 使用 npm i下载依赖报错,则有可能是node和npm的版本问题。 可以尝试下载nvm,将node版本改为10.X或12.X。

  • eslint-plugin-sql SQL linting rules for ESLint. In its current form, the plugin has been designed and tested to work with Postgres codebase. eslint-plugin-sql Installation Configuration Settings place

  • eslint-plugin-vue Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js �� Documentation See the official website. ⚓ Versioning Policy This plugin is following Semantic Versioning and ESLint's Semantic Versioning Policy.

  • eslint-plugin-ember An ESLint plugin that provides a set of rules for Ember applications based on commonly known good practices. ❗️ Requirements ESLint >= 6 Node.js 10.* || 12.* || >= 14 �� Usage 1. I

  • eslint-plugin-wxml 为 lint 微信小程序 wxml 文件而开发的 eslint 插件,可使用 eslint 来检查微信小程序项目内的 wxml 代码 当开发者使用 VSCode 或者 Webstorm 时可以得到代码错误提示,目前支持的 lint 规则如下: 1. wxml/colon-style-event-binding 强制使用:冒号隔开时间绑定 2. wxml/emp

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