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A Laravel Nova Select Field
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 常元章
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Nova Select Plus


composer require ziffmedia/nova-select-plus

Description & Use Cases

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This Nova component was built to satisfy the use cases just beyond Nova's built-in <select> component. Here aresome scenarios where you might want SelectPlus (which uses vue-select) over the simple Select:

Select For BelongsToMany and MorphsToMany On the Form Screen

The default Nova experience for BelongsToMany and MorphsToMany is to have a separate UI screen forattaching/detaching and syncing relationships through a "Pivot" model. For simple relationships (relationships that donot have addition pivot values or the only value in the pivot table is there for ordering), it is benefitial to movethis Selection to the Form workflow instead of a separate workflow.

Ajax For Options

For Select's that have between a handful to several 1000 options, it is more peformant to load the full list of optionsonly on the screen that needs it: the Form screen.

There are 2 options for Ajax Options, the default is to load them all on the Form load. The second is to allow for fulloption searching (in this case you can write you own ajax search resolver).

Reordering Simple Pivot/BelongsToMany Relations

Through ->reorderable(), you can enable a SelectPlus field to be reorderable. This allows, at BelongsToMany->sync()time, to populate a pivot value useful for ordering relations.


use ZiffMedia\NovaSelectPlus\SelectPlus;
// setup model like normal:
    public function statesLivedIn()
        return $this->belongsToMany(State::class, 'state_user_lived_in')->withTimestamps();

    // add Nova Resource Field
    SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class),

Options & Examples

->label(string|closure $attribute) Pick a different attribute to use as the label

Default: 'name'

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)

If a closure is provided, it will be called and the value can be utilized. Additionally, the output may be HTML as the component will v-html the output on the frontend:

// Using php 7.4 short functions:
SelectPlus::make('States Visited', 'statesVisited', State::class)
    ->label(fn ($state) => $state->name . " <span class=\"text-xs\">({$state->code})</span>")

->usingIndexLabel() & ->usingDetailLabel()

Default is to produce a count of the number of items on the index and detail screen

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If a string name is provided, the name attribute is plucked and comma joined:

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)

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If a closure is provided, it will be called, and the value will be utilized. If the value is a string, it will be placed:

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)
  ->usingIndexLabel(fn($models) => $models->first()->name ?? ''),

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If an array is returned, the Index and Detail screens will produce a <ol> or <ul> list:

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)
  ->usingIndexLabel(fn($models) => $models->pluck('name')),

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->reorderable(string $pivotOrderAttribute) - Ability to reorder multiple selects

// assuming in the User model:
    public function statesVisited()
        return $this->belongsToMany(State::class, 'state_user_visited')

    // inside the Nova resource:
    SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)

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->optionsQuery(closure) - Ability to apply changes to options query object

// inside the Nova resource (exclude all states that start with C)
    SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)
        ->optionsQuery(function (Builder $query) {
            $query->where('name', 'NOT LIKE', 'C%');
  • Note: this will apply before any ajaxSearchable() functionality, it will not replace it but be applied along with ajaxSearchable() if it exists

->ajaxSearchable(string|closure|true) Ajax search for values

Given a string, models will be search the resources via the provided attribute using WHERE LIKE. Given a callback,returning a Collection will populate the dropdown:

SelectPlus::make('States Visited', 'statesVisited', State::class)
        ->ajaxSearchable(function ($search) {
            return StateModel::where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$search}%")->limit(5);

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