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授权协议 AGPL-3.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 鲁浩言
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

⚠️ Relocation warning

This repository has been relocated to the new organization Kaleidos Ventures where the team will continue developing Taiga. Please, follow us and contribute on the new location. New issues should be placed as well under the new Github organization.

We haven't archived this repository yet because we want to keep the issues currently open, but it'll become inactive eventually and so it will be archived.

Taiga Front

Get the compiled version

You can get the compiled version of this code in thetaiga-front-dist repository


Currently, we have authored three main documentation hubs:

  • API: Our API documentation and reference for developing from Taiga API.
  • Documentation: If you need to install Taiga on your own server, this is the place to find some guides.
  • Taiga Resources: This page is intended to be the support reference page for the users.

Bug reports

If you find a bug in Taiga you can always report it:

One of our fellow Taiga developers will search, find and hunt it as soon as possible.

Please, before reporting a bug, write down how can we reproduce it, your operating system, your browser and version, and if it's possible, a screenshot. Sometimes it takes less time to fix a bug if the developer knows how to find it.


If you need help to setup Taiga, want to talk about some cool enhancemnt or you have some questions, please write us to our mailing list.

If you want to be up to date about announcements of releases, important changes and so on, you can subscribe to our newsletter (you will find it by scrolling down at https://taiga.io) and follow @taigaio on Twitter.

Contribute to Taiga

There are many different ways to contribute to Taiga's platform, from patches, to documentation and UI enhancements, just find the one that best fits with your skills. Check out our detailed contribution guide

Code of Conduct

Help us keep the Taiga Community open and inclusive. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


Every code patch accepted in Taiga codebase is licensed under AGPL v3.0. You must be careful to not include any code that can not be licensed under this license.

Please read carefully our license and ask us if you have any questions as well as the Contribution policy.

Initial dev env

Install requirements:

Node + Gulp

We recommend using nvm to manage different node versions

npm start

And go in your browser to: http://localhost:9001/

E2E test

If you want to run e2e tests

npm install -g protractor
npm install -g mocha
npm install -g babel@5

webdriver-manager update

To run a local Selenium Server, you will need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.


Unit tests

  • To run unit tests

    npx gulp
    npm test

E2E tests

  • To run e2e tests you need taiga-back running and

    npx gulp
    webdriver-manager start
    protractor conf.e2e.js --suite=auth     # To tests authentication
    protractor conf.e2e.js --suite=full     # To test all the platform authenticated
  • 题记 使用了 MantisBT 一段时间,觉得功能太少,只局限在错误跟踪,而且操作体验比较差,界面很糟糕,很早就想将其换掉。 偶然发现一个很不错的新选择:Taiga,于是就试着将其部署下来,发现绝对是一个好东西,对于实践 Scrum 项目管理方法的,更是不可多得的利器! 产品官网:https://taiga.io/ GITHUB:https://github.com/taigaio 安装指南:ht

  • Taiga 尽管官方推荐使用Ubuntu,但是实际上这个项目可以较为容易的部署在其他系统上,前提是你对这个项目有所了解 Taiga是一个项目管理器,官网上简介说的是各种奖励拿到手软,但是也是出了名的难以安装,docker上没有官方镜像,也没有可以直接使用民间大神镜像,Taiga项目前后端分离,前端使用angular.js后端使用django尽管安装过程非常复杂,但是在简单了解项目架构后,还是很容易

  • Taiga 是一个免费开源,而且功能非常强大的项目管理平台,用于初创企业和敏捷开发团队,提供了一个简单、漂亮的项目管理工具。 Taiga 采用 Python Django 框架开发,前端基于 AngularJS 实现。

  • taiga 是一个项目管理平台,它为做敏捷开发的程序员,设计师及项目管理员提供了界面漂亮且功能强大的工具。taiga 可以方便地任你定制所有项目,操作直观简单,界面漂亮,可个性地定制每个项目。 taiga-back 是用来管理 scrum 项目的 web应用程序,它采用了 Django 和 AngularJS 框架 (后端代码)。

  • Taiga UI 是完全可摇树(fully-treeshakable)的 Angular UI 套件,由多个基础库和多个附加组件组成。它基于 ng-polymorpheus 动态内容方法,并为所需的浏览器 API 使用 Angular 的 Web API。 模块化和完全可摇树,Taiga UI 利用了辅助入口点机制,甚至可以从库中导入一个实体,确保包中没有多余的代码。 Agnostic ,组件非常

  • 本文向大家介绍array :: front()函数以及C ++ STL中的Example,包括了array :: front()函数以及C ++ STL中的Example的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 C ++ STL array :: front()函数 font()函数是array的库函数,用于获取数组的第一个元素,它返回对数组中第一个元素的引用。 语法: 参数:无 返回值:返回对a

  • 本文向大家介绍Ubuntu E: 无法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: 资源暂时不可用),包括了Ubuntu E: 无法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: 资源暂时不可用)的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 Ubuntu 18.04,其他版的Ubuntu也一样 问题: 当运行sudo a

  • 可能重复: 不支持的主要.次要版本51.0 我有eclipse indigo和tomcat 7.0.29。但仍然无法加载Serlvets!除了1.7版本之外,我没有其他的JDK或JRE! 编译级别1.7 JAVA_主页指向JDK 1.7 JAVA_JRE指向JRE 1.7 构建路径包含JDK 1.7 Java方面1.7 ..但仍不支持major.minor版本51.0