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🗒 codebar's tutorials
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 东门令
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

This is the source code for http://tutorials.codebar.io/

Getting started

This is a GitHub Pages repo, so you can render the pages with Jekyll.First make sure to install the version of Rubyindicated in .ruby-version, as well as the bundler gem. Then:

  1. bundle install, which will install Jekyll
  2. bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
  3. go to http://localhost:4000/

(you could also use your favourite manager, chruby, rbenv, rvm, etc. Seeinstructions for rvm at the end of this README)

If you are just updating or adding new tutorials, follow steps 1 to 3 only.

If you also want to make changes to the structure of the site (i.e. if you wantto modify the site's Javascript files) and run the tests, you need to installNode (follow the link for installationinstructions). Then:

$ npm install
$ gulp

and go to http://localhost:4000/test/specrunner.html to run the tests. Tests should be green.

Gulp is only used for development, not in production. In your local copy ofthis repo, it will concatenate and minify the files inside thejavascripts-dev folder, as well as watch for changes in that folder. Theconcatenated and minified JS file will be generated inside the javascriptsfolder. You can push both folders when you are finished with your changes.GitHub pages will then generate the site in production with whatever isinside the javascripts folder.

Getting in Touch

You can go to the general codebar Slack channel here or thededicated tutorials channel here. Use it to get in touchand chat to other codebar students/coaches, or if you need help.

If you are not on Slack use this link to get an invite.


We encourage you to contribute with your suggestions and corrections. Head to ourissues page and open a new issue orhelp on the existing ones.

General tutorial rule
  1. All tutorials get the students to build something that they are able to show around at the end of the workshop.

  2. All tutorials follow a structure:

    • Objectives - "In this tutorial we are going to look at..."
    • Goals - "By the end of this tutorial you will have..."
    • Then the exercises.
      • Bonus - This is not always required but if you feel there issomething that could be added then please include it.
      • Further reading - Again this is not always required but if you feelthere was something in the tutorials that could be covered in moredepth then please include any good reading materials/videos or extratutorials.
  3. Repetition is good. A tutorial can contain multiple exercises that ask thestudents to take similar steps (e.g. for HTTP Requests one exerciseintroduces GET, another has GET and POST etc).

  4. Explaining and getting the students to focus on one new thing at a time,presenting students with lots of new content and usage examples can beconfusing.

  5. Before starting to write a new tutorial please speak with someone fromcodebar to see whether it is of interest to students.

To add downloadable files to a new or existing tutorial:
  • Add a folder with your exercise files inside the tutorial folder. For example, for Javascript lesson 3:
├── assets/
├── files/
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── jquery.js
│   ├── script.js
│   └── style.css
└── tutorial.md
  • Add a frontmatter variable files to the tutorial page with a list of the files you added, including folder name:
layout: page
title: Introduction to jQuery
  - files/index.html
  - files/jquery.js
  - files/script.js
  - files/style.css
  • In the copy of the tutorial, add your link to the files, making it point to just download:
Download the files that you will need to work through the example

And you're done. Commit and push as usual.


Another way of installing the project dependencies is via RVM.Follow the quick installation guide and then run:

$ rvm install 2.2.1  # inside `codebar/tutorials` folder
$ rvm gemset use codebar-tutorial --create
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ jekyll serve  # go to

If you also want to make changes to the JavaScript of the site, you'll need to haveNode installed.This can be done with a tool like NVM.


codebar Tutorials are released under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

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