This is the Lightning Library - collection of Lightning related notebooks which are pulled back to the main repo as submodule and rendered inside the main documentations.The key features/highlights:
For more details read our blogpost - Best Practices for Publishing PyTorch Lightning Tutorial Notebooks
This repo in main branch contain only python scripts with markdown extensions, and notebooks are generated in special publication branch, so no raw notebooks are accepted as PR.On the other hand we highly recommend creating a notebooks and convert it script with jupytext as
jupytext --set-formats ipynb,py:percent my-notebook.ipynb
The addition has to formed as new folder
including following info:
title: Sample notebooks
author: [User](contact)
created: YYYY-MM-DD
updated: YYYY-MM-DD
license: CC BY-SA
# multi-line
description: |
This notebook will walk you through ...
- package # with version if needed
# define supported - CPU|GPU|TPU
{height="60px" width="240px"}
On the back side of publishing workflow you can find in principle these three steps
# 1) convert script to notebooks
jupytext --set-formats ipynb,py:percent
# 2) testing the created notebook
pytest -v notebook.ipynb --nbval
# 3) generating notebooks outputs
papermill in-notebook.ipynb out-notebook.ipynb
第9课小结: JobStore的职责是持续跟踪您给调度程序的所有“工作数据”:作业、触发器、日历等等。 一、RAMJobStore RAMJobStore是最简单的JobStore ,它也是最高效的(在CPU时间方面)。它将所有的数据保存在RAM中。 优点:闪电般的速度。 缺点:当应用程序结束(或崩溃)时,所有的调度信息都会丢失。 二、JDBCJobStore JDBCJobStore通过
lightning 是由贝壳找房 DBA 团队开发和维护的一个 MySQL binlog 转换工具。 该工具可以将 MySQL ROW 格式的 binlog 转换为想要的 SQL,如:原始 SQL,闪回 SQL等。也可以对 binlog 进行统计分析,用于数据库异常分析。甚至可以通过定制 lua 插件进行二次开发,发挥无限的想象力。 应用 数据修改错误,需要快速回滚 (闪回) DELETE, UP
Lightning 是一个日程应用,可与 Mozilla Thunderbird 和 SeaMonkey 邮件客户端协同工作。可以让你管理多个日程,创建每日待办事宜,邀请朋友到某个事件,订阅公共日程等。
ng-lightning This library contains native Angular components and directives written from scratch in TypeScript using the Lightning Design System CSS framework. We are looking for community help to fin
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Lightning Network In-Progress Specifications The specifications are currently a work-in-progress and currently beingdrafted. Pull requests and comments welcome, seeking input from community stakeholde