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A jekyll based resume template
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 邢鸿博
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知


Demo Website

A clean, single column, monospace resume template built for jekyll


Simply fork the repository and edit away.

Installation via remote themes

  • Just setting remote_theme: ankitsultana/researcher@gem in _config.yml should work. Although in that case, I am not sure howyou would build your site locally for testing. If you know how, open up an issue and let me know.
  • For more info, refer this.


  • You can edit the .md (markdown) files as you see fit. You can also add some other markdown file, say foo.md in the root directory of the repository. It will then be accessible like so {{ url of your website }}/foo.

  • You can of course remove contact.md if you don't want it

  • To set the heading, edit the title variable in _config.yml

  • To edit the links mentioned on the navigation bar, you can edit _config.yml. For example:

 - name: "About"
   link: "/researcher/"
 - name: "Resume"
   link: "resume.pdf"
 - name: "Contact"
   link: "contact"
  • You can change the accent (color of hyperlinks) by editing the accent variable in _sass/vars.scss

  • You can setup google analytics, by setting tracking_id in _config.yml

  • To add a profile picture, make sure to give the image tag the class profile-picture. In other words,do it like so:

<img class="profile-picture" src="sherlock.jpg">
  • You can remove/customize the footer as you like by setting theappropriate variables in _config.yml

  • (New in v1.2.0) You can add institute logo at the top, by setting ins_logo in _config.yml. If you wantto adjust the logo's size, try setting max-height in #ins-logo in file ./_sass/_style.scss to the desiredvalue

Note: Customizing the accent color might cause merge conflicts if you later try to merge from bk2dcradle/researcher to fetch updates/patches etc. (applicable only if you have forked).



  • Just few days ago, on twenty-sixth of this month, It was revealed via the coverage of the Associate Press that a researcher, named He Jiankui, a associate professor of The Southern University of Scien

  • (1)什么是Research ID 大多数科研人员都要定时的更新自己的科研动态,但是很多时候,我们发表的文章都是散落在很多杂志上面,而且为了更好的体现出来科研人言的科研成果和引用等情况,也便于科研生态圈的良性互动,ResearcherID (www.researcherid.com)提供全球每位学术研究社群成员一个专属的身分识别号码,让研究人员建立自己的着作清单,产生个人的引用信息,让全世界的学者

  • Alan Bundy, Ben du Boulay, Jim Howe and Gordon Plotkin 1985 Including contributions by Graeme Ritchie and Peter Ross. This version: 9 November 2004. Abstract Getting a Ph.D. or M.Phil is hard work. Th



