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Type Theme

Default Type Theme blog

A free and open-source Jekyll theme. Great for blogs and easy to customize.



  1. Fork and clone the Type Theme repo: git clone https://github.com/rohanchandra/type-theme
  2. Install Jekyll: gem install jekyll
  3. Install the theme's dependencies: bundle install
  4. Customize the theme (see below)
  5. Run the Jekyll server: jekyll serve

Customizing Type Theme

Open _config.yml in a text editor to change most of the blog's settings.

If a variable in this document is marked as "optional", disable the feature by removing all text from the variable. For example, to prevent the avatar from rendering in the header, the avatar line should read:

  title: Type Theme

Notice the avatar variable is left intentionally blank.

Below is a summary of the configuration options in Type Theme.

Site configuration

The most common configurations, included here for guidance, are:

Jekyll website without a subpath (such as a GitHub Pages website for a given username):

baseurl: ""
url: "https://username.github.io"

Jekyll website with subpath (like the Type Theme demo page):

baseurl: "/sub-directory"
url: "https://username.github.io/"

Please configure this in _config.yml before using the theme.


Meta variables hold basic information about your Jekyll site which will be used throughout the site and as meta properties for search engines, browsers, and the site's RSS feed.

Change these variables in _config.yml:

Variable Example Description Optional
title My Jekyll Blog Name of website Yes
avatar assets/img/avatar.png Path of avatar image, to be displayed in the theme's header Yes
gravatar f9879d71855b5ff21e4963273a886bfc MD5 hash of your email address to load your Gravatar in the theme's header Yes
description My blog posts Short description, primarily used by search engines Yes

Header and footer text

Change these variables in _config.yml:

Variable Example Description Optional
header_text Welcome to my Jekyll blog HTML (shown below the navigation) with a background colour for emphasis Yes
header_text_feature_image assets/img/sample_feature_img_3.png Background image for the header text Yes
footer_text Copyright 2014 HTML (shown at end of the site) with lighter text Yes


Add your username on selected websites in the icon section of the _config.yml file to display the site's icon from Font Awesome in the header navigation. All icon variables should be your username enclosed in quotes (e.g. "username"), except for the following variables:

Variable Example Description Optional
rss true Takes boolean value (true/false) to show RSS feed icon Yes
email_address type@example.com Email address Yes
linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/FirstLast Full URL to profile on LinkedIn Yes
stack_exchange https://stackoverflow.com/users/0000/first-last Full URL to profile on Stack Exchange Yes


Change these variables in _config.yml:

Variable Example Description Optional
google_analytics UA-123456-01 Google Analytics tracking ID Yes
disqus_shortname shortname Disqus shortname Yes
katex true Takes boolean value (true/false) to conditionally load KaTeX scripts required for math typesetting Yes

Scripts listed here are only loaded if you provide a value in the _config.yml file.

Localization strings

Change localization string variables in _config.yml.

English text used in the theme (such as the "continue reading" label) has been grouped so you can quickly translate the theme or change labels to suit your needs.

Colours, typography, padding

A selection of colours set in Type Theme by modifying the CSS

Variable Example Description Optional
google_fonts "Playfair+Display:400,700\ PT+Sans:400,700,700italic,400italic" Google Fonts to load for use

Navigate to the _sass > base directory and open _variables.scss to change colours, typography and padding used in the theme with CSS.

Once you have loaded a Google Font in config.yml, you can integrate the fonts into your CSS by changing the font-family in _variables.scss. For example, after loading the Playfair Display and PT Sans fonts from Google:

// Typography
$font-family-main: 'PT Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$font-family-headings: 'Playfair Display', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

Mozilla's ColorPicker is a helpful tool to get your preferred colours in hexadecimal or RGBA form for use in _variables.scss.

Customize style when using the remote_theme

If you're using Type Theme as a remote_theme, you can override variables and styles.To do so, simply create a assets/css/main.scss file on your website with the following content:

// assets/css/main.scss

@import "type-theme";

@import "type-theme"; includes the theme styles, so you can add custom imports before and after it, depending on your needs.Best practice is to put your custom files in the _sass folder of your project. Jekyll will automatically look for them there.For example, say you wanted to override some theme variables and add some custom styles, you can create the following files:

// _sass/_variables.scss
$background-color: black;
// _sass/_custom.sass

// SASS is supported as well, just note the file extension is .sass
.feature-image header
  height: 300px

Then import them both into main.scss:

// assets/css/main.scss

@import "variables";
@import "type-theme";
@import "custom";

Posts and pages in Type Theme

Please refer to the Jekyll docs for writing posts. Non-standard features are documented below.

Math typesetting

Wrap math expressions with $$ signs in your posts and make sure you have set the katex variable in _config.yml to true for math typesetting.

For inline math typesetting, type your math expression on the same line as your content. For example:

Type math within a sentence $$2x^2 + x + c$$ to display inline

For display math typesetting, type your math expression on a new line. For example:

  \bar{y} = {1 \over n} \sum_{i = 1}^{n}y_i

Type Theme makes use for KaTeX for typesetting.

Feature images

Posts with geometric feature images

Add a feature image by specifying a path to an image in the front matter in the form of feature-img: "img/PATH_TO_IMAGE.png".

For example:

layout: post
title: Hello World
feature-img: "assets/img/sample_feature_img.png"

By default, the page title is displayed on top of the feature image, as well as on the browser's tab. You can change the feature image's displayed title by specifying a feature-title in the front matter:

layout: post
title: Short title
feature-title: A much longer title
feature-img: "assets/img/sample_feature_img.png"

Hiding pages from navigation

In the front matter of a page, add hide: true to prevent the page from showing up in the header's navigation bar (visitors can still visit the URL through other means).

For example:

layout: page
title: "Error 404: Page not found"
permalink: /404.html
hide: true

Sorting pages in navigation

You can configure this theme to sort your pages in the header's navigation bar.

  • Set site_navigation_sort in theme settings to a property name e.g. 'order'
  • In the front matter of a non-hidden page, add order: n

For example:

layout: page
title: Team
permalink: /team/
order: 4


Post tags should be placed between [] in your post metadata. Separate each tag with a comma.

For example:

layout: post
title: Markdown and HTML
tags: [sample, markdown, html]

A tags listing will be automatically generated using the tags.html file provided in Type Theme. If you're not using the tags feature it is safe to delete tags.html.


The search feature can be activated in the _config.yml file by changing its value from false to true.

  search: true

Once activated, the search bar will appear in the header. This feature uses Lunr and searches through the title, tags and content of your posts.


A subtitle can be displayed below your title on permalink post pages.

To enable this feature, add subtitle to your post metadata.

For example:

layout: post
title: "This is a title"
subtitle: "This is a subtitle"


The MIT License (MIT)

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  • TYPE key 返回 key 所储存的值的类型。 可用版本: >= 1.0.0 时间复杂度: O(1) 返回值: none (key不存在) string (字符串) list (列表) set (集合) zset (有序集) hash (哈希表) # 字符串 redis> SET weather "sunny" OK redis> TYPE weather string # 列表 r

  • 描述: 记录一个对象的类型。 语法 @type {typeName} 概述 @type标签允许你提供一个表达式,用于标识一个标识符可能包含的值的类型,或由函数返回值的类型。您还可以将其包含与其他JSDoc标签类型的表达式结合使用,如@param 标签。 类型表达式可以包括标识符的namepath(例如,myNamespace.MyClass);一个内置的JavaScript类型(例如,string

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  • TYPE key 返回 key 所储存的值的类型。 可用版本: >= 1.0.0 时间复杂度: O(1) 返回值: none (key不存在)string (字符串)list (列表)set (集合)zset (有序集)hash (哈希表) # 字符串 redis> SET weather "sunny" OK redis> TYPE weather string # 列表 redis>

  • 描述 (Description) java.lang.reflect.Method.getGenericReturnType()方法返回一个Type对象,该对象表示此Method对象表示的方法的正式返回类型。 声明 (Declaration) 以下是java.lang.reflect.Method.getGenericReturnType()方法的声明。 public Type getGeneri