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Complete starter seed project for Angular

Material Branch with Universal (Server-side rendering) support

Featuring Material Design 2, Webpack (and Webpack DLL plugin for faster dev builds), HMR (Hot Module Replacement), @ngrx for state management and optional server-side rendering with Universal.

You can use npm, but it's recommended to use yarn as it installs a lot faster and has other benefits https://yarnpkg.com/ . Make sure you are using yarn version 0.16.0 or newer (check with 'yarn --version')
git clone https://github.com/qdouble/angular-webpack-starter.git
cd angular-webpack-starter
yarn start

Material Branch without Universal (Server-side rendering) support

Bootstrap Branch

Bootstrap and Universal Branch

Minimal Branch


  • Angular
    • Async loading
    • Treeshaking
    • AOT (Ahead of Time/ Offline) Compilation
    • AOT safe SASS compilation
  • Webpack 4
    • Webpack Dlls (Speeds up devServer builds)
    • @ngTools AOT plugin
  • HMR (Hot Module Replacement)
  • TypeScript 2
    • @types
  • Material Design 2
  • Universal (Server-side Rendering)
  • @ngrx
    • store (RxJS powered state management for Angular apps, inspired by Redux)
    • effects (Side effect model for @ngrx/store)
    • router-store (Bindings to connect angular/router to ngrx/store)
    • store-devtools (Developer Tools for @ngrx/store)
    • ngrx-store-logger (Advanced console logging for @ngrx/store applications, ported from redux-logger.)
    • ngrx-store-freeze in dev mode (@ngrx/store meta reducer that prevents state from being mutated.)
  • Karma/Jasmine testing
  • Protractor for E2E testing

Project Goals

  • The main goal is to provide an environment where you can have great dev tools and create a production application without worrying about adding a bunch of stuff yourself.
  • The goal of your design should be so that you can easily copy and paste your app folder and your constants file into to a new update of this project and have it still work. Use constants and have proper separation to make upgrades easy. If you have any suggestions on areas where this starter can be designed to make updates more easy, file an issue.

Basic scripts

Use yarn start for dev server. Default dev port is 3000.

Use yarn run start:hmr to run dev server in HMR mode.

Use yarn run build for production build.

Use yarn run server:prod for production server and production watch. Default production port is 8088.

Use yarn run universal to run production build in Universal. To run and build universal in AOT mode, useyarn run universal:aot. Default universal port is 8000.

Default ports and option to use proxy backend for dev server can be changed in constants.js file.

To create AOT version, run yarn run build:aot. This will compile and build script.Then you can use yarn run prodserver to see to serve files.

Store Logger

There is also an option to use store-logger which outputs ngrx action history to the console.To set your development mode store logging preference, go to the constant.js file and edit the STORE_DEV_TOOLS constant.Available options are logger | none

HMR (Hot Module Replacement)

HMR mode allows you to update a particular module without reloading the entire application.The current state of your app is also stored in @ngrx/store allowing you to make updates to yourcode without losing your currently stored state.

AOT Don'ts

The following are some things that will make AOT compile fail.

  • Don’t use require statements for your templates or styles, use styleUrls and templateUrls, the angular2-template-loader plugin will change it to require at build time.
  • Don’t use default exports.
  • Don’t use form.controls.controlName, use form.get(‘controlName’)
  • Don’t use control.errors?.someError, use control.hasError(‘someError’)
  • Don’t use functions in your providers, routes or declarations, export a function and then reference that function name
  • Inputs, Outputs, View or Content Child(ren), Hostbindings, and any field you use from the template or annotate for Angular should be public


For unit tests, use yarn run test for continuous testing in watch mode and useyarn run test:once for single test. To view code coverage after running test, open coverage/html/index.html in your browser.

For e2e tests, use yarn run e2e. To run unit test and e2e test at the same time, use yarn run ci.

Wiki Links

Recommended Steps for merging this starter into existing project



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  • 问题内容: 希望能弄清为什么以下内容无法按预期工作,希望这是我可能忽略的简单事情。如果没有Webpack,当前的实现将按预期工作。 理想情况下,想保持当前的实现,我觉得组件/控制器/等的注册应在其自己的文件中完成,并且仅指向相关模块。但是,如果这不是最佳做法,那么我也想看看另一个建议。 文件root.module是我定义根模块的位置,然后在root.component文件中,将组件附加到该模块上。

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