Every day these for-profit companies make developing Ilios possible. Without the free tier of service they offer toopen source software, ilios would be nowhere, so if you have a chance to pay them for something please do.
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
git clone git@github.com:ilios/frontend.git
cd frontend
npm install
This Frontend will need to know where your backend API server is located.You can set this information in a system wide environment variable name ILIOS_FRONTEND_API_HOSTor can just add the setting to a file named .env filewithin the same directory as your Ilios Frontend code:
echo "ILIOS_FRONTEND_API_HOST=https://ilios3-demo.ucsf.edu" > .env
Then you can start a local development server:
npm start
Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate
for more details
npm test
npm test --server
npm run lint:hbs
npm run lint:style
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js --fix
npm build
(development)npm build --environment production
(production)前端基本要求: 基础框架jquery1.11+bootstrap3.2 引入js模板 模块化设计(需要做到) 可以复用js组件 前后端分离 支持H5,并做好浏览器兼容 FrontEnd前端文件架构 ~CSS文件说明 Assets文件夹 Assets/css: - base base.css基本样式、common.css公用样式 bootstrap.min.css框架样式 - theme d