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An extra validator for conditional validations with ember-changeset-validations.


ember install ember-changeset-conditional-validations

Basic Usage

Let's say you want to validate a user's settings. Only if the payment method is a credit card should the credit card number validations be applied.

import { validatePresence, validateLength } from 'ember-changeset-validations/validators';
import validateSometimes from 'ember-changeset-conditional-validations/validators/sometimes';

export default {
  creditCardNumber: validateSometimes([
    validateLength({ is: 16 })
  ], function(changes, content) {
    return this.get('paymentMethod.isCreditCard');

validateSometimes() takes 2 arguments. The first is a validator or an array of validators you want applied to the attribute. The second argument is a callback function which represents the condition. If the condition callback returns true, the rules will be added. This callback function will be invoked with the changeset's changes and content. The callback will also be invoked with its this value set to an object that has a get() method for accessing a property. this.get(property) first proxies to the changes and then the underlying content, and has the same semantics as Ember.get().

import Changeset from 'ember-changeset';
import lookupValidator from 'ember-changeset-validations';
import Validations from './../validations/settings';

let settings = {};
let changeset = new Changeset(settings, lookupValidator(Validations), Validations);

console.log(changeset.get('isValid')); // true
changeset.set('paymentMethod', {
  isCreditCard: true
console.log(changeset.get('isValid')); // false
console.log(changeset.get('errors')); // [{key: 'creditCardNumber', validation: ['Credit card number can't be blank', 'Credit card number must be a number']}]
changeset.set('creditCardNumber', '1234567890123456');
console.log(changeset.get('isValid')); // true
changeset.set('creditCardNumber', '1234');
console.log(changeset.get('isValid')); // false
console.log(changeset.get('errors')); // [{key: 'creditCardNumber', value: '1234', validation: ['Credit card number must be equal to 16']}]
changeset.set('paymentMethod', {
  isCreditCard: false
console.log(changeset.get('isValid')); // true

Combining Validations with Conditional Validations

You can also have a combination of validations that will always run and conditional validations. For example, say you wanted to validate that a property is a number, but conditionally validate that the number is greater than 5. You could do something like the following:

import { validateNumber } from 'ember-changeset-validations/validators';
import validateSometimes from 'ember-changeset-conditional-validations/validators/sometimes';

export default {
  someProperty: [
    validateNumber({ integer: true }),
    validateSometimes(validateNumber({ gt: 5 }), function() {
      // condition

Let's say in the previous example that you also wanted to conditionally validate that the number is less than 10. You could do something like the following:

import { validateNumber } from 'ember-changeset-validations/validators';
import validateSometimes from 'ember-changeset-conditional-validations/validators/sometimes';

export default {
  someProperty: [
    validateNumber({ integer: true }),
      validateNumber({ gt: 5 }),
      validateNumber({ lt: 10 })
    ], function() {
      // condition


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd ember-changeset-conditional-validations
  • npm install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.

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