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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 谯志诚
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This Ember addon provides a simple component that fires an action whenever it is scrolled to the bottom.Allowing you to load more data. It is not coupled to Ember-Data like some other infinite scrolling implementations.


ember install @zestia/ember-simple-infinite-scroller




<InfiniteScroller @onLoadMore={{this.loadMore}} as |scroller|>
  {{#each things as |thing|}}
  {{if scroller.isLoading "Please wait..."}}


  • Does not use jQuery ✔︎
  • Ember Data Friendly ✔︎
  • Supports use with FastBoot ✔︎
  • No included styles ✔︎


Argument Description Default
onLoadMore Action to perform when the @percent scrolled is reached null
element Monitors the scroll position of the given element null
percent Distance scroll from the top for when to fire the load more action 100
debounce Milliseconds delay for when to check if more needs to be loaded 100

Yielded API

The component will yield a hash that provides:

Property Description
setElement Sets the element for which to monitor the scroll position of
isLoading True when the promise for more data has not resolved yet
isScrollable True when scroll element is overflowing
loadMore Action for manually loading more


A test helper is provided to help scrolling your element. Example:

import { scrollToPercentage } from '@zestia/ember-simple-infinite-scroller/test-support/helpers';

test('loading more', async function() {
  await visit('/')
  await scrollToPercentage('.infinite-scroller', 100);
  // ...


Please read: https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/7934

You may need to add this to app/app.js

customEvents = {
  touchstart: null,
  touchmove: null,
  touchend: null,
  touchcancel: null

Scenario to be aware of

If your scrollable element is displaying 10 things, but they don't cause the element to overflow,then the user won't ever be able to load more - because they won't be able to scroll and thereforethe onLoadMore action will never fire.

To account for this, you can display a button for manually loading more...

<InfiniteScroller @onLoadMore={{this.loadMore}} as |scroller|>
  {{#each this.things as |thing|}}

  {{#unless scroller.isScrollable}}
    <button {{on "click" scroller.loadMore}}>Load more</button>
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  • 无限滚动指令。 引入 import { InfiniteScroll } from 'mint-ui'; Vue.use(InfiniteScroll); 例子 为 HTML 元素添加 v-infinite-scroll 指令即可使用无限滚动。滚动该元素,当其底部与被滚动元素底部的距离小于给定的阈值(通过 infinite-scroll-distance 设置)时,绑定到 v-infinite

  • Haralan Dobrev 开发的 Infinite scroll 是一款帮助用户快速,双向的不断进行分页的 jQuery 插件。 Features Progressive enhancement -应用于现有的 pagination anchors。 Bi-directional -用户可以将其用于向上和向下滚动。 Fast scrolling -不监听scroll事件,因此使用 hardware scrolling。

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