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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 郭琨
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适用人群 未知


ember-validated-form-buffer implements a validating buffer that wraps EmberData models and can be used in forms to buffer user inputs before applying themto the underlying model. The buffer also handles mixing client sidevalidation errors and errors returned from the API as well as functionalitythat detects which API errors may have become obsolete due to modifications tothe respective properties.

ember-validated-form-buffer helps implementing common forms functionality:

  • preventing modification of models until the form is submitted
  • implementing cancel/reset functionality
  • filtering irrelevant errors

It leveragesember-buffered-proxy forthe buffering functionality andember-cp-validations forclient side validations.


Install ember-validated-form-buffer with

ember install ember-validated-form-buffer


In order to define a validated form buffer on a controller or component, importthe formBufferProperty helper and define a property that wraps the modelinstance. Pass in the validations mixin as returned by ember-cp-validations.When the form is submitted, apply the buffered changes and save the model ordiscard them to reset all user input:

import Ember from 'ember';
import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';
import formBufferProperty from 'ember-validated-form-buffer';

const Validations = buildValidations({
  name: validator('presence', true)

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  data: formBufferProperty('model', Validations),

  actions: {
    submit(e) {


    reset() {

Then instead of binding form inputs to model properties directly, bind them tothe buffer instead:

<form onsubmit={{action 'submit'}}>
  {{input value=data.name}}
  <button type="submit">Save</button>
  <button type="button" onclick={{action 'reset'}}>Reset</button>

If you're not using 2 way data bindings for the input but Data Down/Actions Up,make sure to update the buffer property instead of the model's when therespective action is called:

<form onsubmit={{action 'submit'}}>
  <input value="{{data.name}}" onkeydown={{action (mut data.name) value='currentTarget.value'}}/>
  <button type="submit">Save</button>
  <button type="button" onclick={{action 'reset'}}>Reset</button>


The buffer

The buffer has methods for applying and discarding changes as well asproperties for accessing its current error state.

  • applyBufferedChanges applies the changes in the buffer to the underlyingmodel.

  • discardBufferedChanges discards the buffered changes to that the buffer'sstate is reset to that of the underlying model.

  • apiErrors returns the errors as returned by the API when the model was lastsubmitted.

  • clientErrors returns the client side validation errors as returned byember-cp-validations.

  • displayErrors returns both the API errors as well as the client sidevalidation errors. This does not include any API errors on properties thathave been changed after the model was submitted as changing a property thatwas previously rejected by the API potentially renders the respective errorinvalid.

  • hasDisplayErrors returns whether the buffer currently has any errors todisplay which is the case when displayErrors is not empty.

For further info on the buffer's API, check the docs of ember-buffered-proxyandember-cp-validationsrespectively.

The buffer can be imported and used directly:

import { Buffer } from 'ember-validated-form-buffer';

const Validations = buildValidations({
  name: validator('presence', true)

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  data: computed('model', function() {
    let owner = Ember.getOwner(this);
    return Buffer.extend(Validations).create(owner.ownerInjection(), {
      content: this.get('model')

It is generally easier to use the formBufferProperty macro to define a formbuffer property though:

The formBufferProperty helper

The formBufferProperty macro takes the name of another property that returnsthe Ember Data model to wrap in the buffer as well as a list of mixins thatwill be applied to the buffer. These mixins usually include the validationmixin as created by ember-cp-validations's buildValidations method.

If any of the provided mixins define an unsetApiErrors method, that methodwill be called whenever any property is changed on the buffer. The methodreturns a property name or an array of property names for which all API errorswill be excluded from the displayErrors until the model is submitted to theAPI again. That way it's possible to hide API errors on a property when arelated property changes:

import formBufferProperty from 'ember-validated-form-buffer';

const Validations = buildValidations({
  name: validator('presence', true)

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  data: formBufferProperty('model', Validations, {
    unsetApiErrors() {
      let changedKeys = Ember.A(Object.keys(this.get('buffer')));
      if (changedKeys.includes('date') || changedKeys.includes('time')) {
        return 'datetime'; // whenever the "date" or "time" attributes change, also hide errors on the virtual "datetime" property


ember-validated-form-buffer is developed by and ©simplabs GmbH and contributors. It is released under theMIT License.

ember-validated-form-buffer is not an official part ofEmber.js and is not maintained by the Ember.js Core Team.

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