Animate elements as they scroll into view.
ScrollReveal is a JavaScript library for easily animating elements as they enter/leave the viewport. It was designed to be robust and flexible, but hopefully you’ll be surprised below at how easy it is to pick up.
A simple and fast way to get started is to include this script on your page:
<script src=""></script>
This will create the global variable ScrollReveal
Be careful using this method in production. Without specifying a fixed version number, Unpkg may delay your page load while it resolves the latest version. Learn more at
npm install scrollreveal
const ScrollReveal = require('scrollreveal')
import ScrollReveal from 'scrollreveal'
Installation provides us with the constructor function ScrollReveal()
. Calling this function returns the ScrollReveal instance, the “brain” behind the magic.
ScrollReveal employs the singleton pattern; no matter how many times the constructor is called, it will always return the same instance. This means we can call it anywhere, worry-free.
There’s a lot we can do with this instance, but most of the time we’ll be using the reveal()
method to create animation. Fundamentally, this is how to use ScrollReveal:
<h1 class="headline">
Widget Inc.
If you’re using an older version of ScrollReveal, you can find legacy documentation in the wiki
For commercial sites, themes, projects, and applications, keep your source code private/proprietary by purchasing a Commercial License.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 for compatible open source projects and non-commercial use.
Copyright 2021 Fisssion LLC
首先这里介绍一个参数配置的地址: 接着来介绍什么是scrollReveal。 scrollReveal是一个兼容PC端和移动设备的滚动动画库。 不同的是 WOW.js 的动画只播放一次,而 scrollReveal.js 的动画可以播放一次或无限次;而且WOW.js依赖animate.css,而 scrollReveal.js 不需
scrollreveal库是一个酷炫的动画库,可以控制元素怎么显示,delay多久显示等等效果 本文只讲vue2项目中如何使用,其他项目可以参考 首先安装:npm i scrollreveal -d 使用方法:单文件组件复制以下代码,效果就能出来,酷炫 <template> <div id="app"> <div style="height: 1000px"> <div c
JS 流行库(八):ScrollReveal WOW.js + Animate.css 虽然可以实现有趣的网页滚动动画效果,唯一的缺陷是效果只能执行一次,而 ScrollReveal.js 可以弥补此缺陷,特点如下: 兼容 PC 和移动端 不依赖于 jQuery,也不依赖于 Animate.css 不支持低版本浏览器(Animate 和 WOW 同样也不支持) 基本使用 导入 ScrollReve
问题 jlmakes / scrollreveal 是目前使用量最多的滚动揭示动画库,也是非常好用,只需要添加对应 className 即可。 但是在 react 中会有第一次加载闪烁的问题。 解决 首先你要把需要动态揭示的 dom 隐藏起来,我这里假定所有需要滚动揭示的节点都附加上 j-scroll-reveal_ 这个 class : .j-scroll-reveal_ { visibil