– provides a type registry with a bunch of methods for programmatic schema construction. It allows not only to extend types but also remove fields, interfaces, args. If you want to write your graphql schema generator – graphql-compose
is a good instrument for you.
s – the named graphql fieldConfigs, which can be used for finding, updating, removing recordsResolver
to InputType
parser from ASTGraphQL schema language
for defining simple typesDate
, Json
– are declarative generators/plugins built on top of graphql-compose
, which take some ORMs, schema definitions and create GraphQL Models from them or modify existing GraphQL Types.
specific things, like Node
type and interface, globalId
, clientMutationId
Resolver from findMany
and count
Resolvers.Please follow Quick Start Guide for the complete example.
Here is just a demo of ambiguity ways of types definitions:
import { schemaComposer} from 'graphql-compose';
// You may use SDL format for type definition
const CityTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC(`
type City {
code: String!
name: String!
population: Number
countryCode: String
tz: String
// Define type via Config object
const CountryTC = schemaComposer.createObjectTC({
name: 'Country',
fields: {
title: 'String',
geo: `type LonLat { lon: Float, lat: Float }`,
hoisting: {
type: () => AnotherTC,
description: `
You may wrap type in thunk for solving
hoisting problems when two types cross reference
each other.
// Or via declarative methods define some additional fields
country: CountryTC, // some another Type
ucName: { // standard GraphQL like field definition
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (source) =>,
currentLocalTime: { // extended GraphQL Compose field definition
type: 'Date',
resolve: (source) => moment().tz(,
projection: { tz: true }, // load `tz` from database, when requested only `localTime` field
counter: 'Int', // shortening for only type definition for field
complex: `type ComplexType {
subField1: String
subField2: Float
subField3: Boolean
subField4: ID
subField5: JSON
subField6: Date
list0: {
type: '[String]',
description: 'Array of strings',
list1: '[String]',
list2: ['String'],
list3: [new GraphQLOutputType(...)],
list4: [`type Complex2Type { f1: Float, f2: Int }`],
// Add resolver method
kind: 'query',
name: 'findMany',
args: {
filter: `input CityFilterInput {
code: String!
limit: {
type: 'Int',
defaultValue: 20,
skip: 'Int',
// ... other args if needed
type: [CityTC], // array of cities
resolve: async ({ args, context }) => {
return context.someCityDB
// Remove `tz` field from schema
// Add description to field
CityTC.extendField('name', {
description: 'City name',
cities: CityTC.getResolver('findMany'),
currentTime: {
type: 'Date',
resolve: () =>,
createCity: CityTC.getResolver('createOne'),
updateCity: CityTC.getResolver('updateById'),
removeCity: CityTC.getResolver('removeById'),
function adminAccess(resolvers) {
Object.keys(resolvers).forEach(k => {
resolvers[k] = resolvers[k].wrapResolve(next => rp => {
// rp = resolveParams = { source, args, context, info }
if (!rp.context.isAdmin) {
throw new Error('You should be admin, to have access to this action.');
return next(rp);
return resolvers;
// construct schema which can be passed to express-graphql, apollo-server or graphql-yoga
export const schema = schemaComposer.buildSchema();
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