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A GraphQL interface to Ethereum 🔥
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 酆出野
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

A GraphQL interface to Ethereum ��

▶️ Try out the Alpha on Infura:https://ethql-alpha.infura.io/graphql

Example queries.

EthQL is a server that exposes a GraphQL endpoint to the public Ethereum ledger. It works against the standard JSON-RPCAPIs offered by all Ethereum clients. It is built in TypeScript, and thus leverages the vast ecosystem of GraphQLtooling while preserving compile-time type safety.

EthQL regards blockchain data as a graph, and leverages the extensibility of GraphQL to introduce additionalfunctionality, amongst which are:

  • Decoding of standard transactions (e.g. ERC20, ENS, ERC223, etc.) out of the box.
  • New query patterns enabled by indexing solutions (e.g. all transactions between any two accounts).
  • Automatic batching and caching of requests.
  • New filtering capabilities.
  • Simple, inline unit conversions.
  • Enhancing public data with information overlays imported from other sources.

NOTE: This project is under heavy development.


You need a running Node environment with at least:

  • nodejs >= 8.0.0
  • yarn

Clone the repo and run:

$ yarn install
$ yarn bootstrap
$ yarn run dev
JSON-RPC (web3): Using HTTP(S) provider with endpoint: https://mainnet.infura.io/
Running a GraphQL API server at (browse here: http://localhost:4000/graphql)

This EthQL server uses Infura as a backend in anonymous mode. If you have an Infura project ID (and if you don't, you should sign up for one!) you can set it like this:

$ INFURA_ID=myid yarn run dev


The debug module is included in Dev Dependencies

To turn on debugging:


Query Handbook

We suggest fiddling with some Example Use Cases to see somequeries in action.

For an in-depth guide on how to use EthQL, please start with the documentTop-Level Queries. This document shows all of the rootfields available to query, including information on specific block(s), transaction(s), and account(s).

The following sections provide a deep dive into all of the fields available on top-level queries:


If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see the documentHow to Contribute, which covers the following:

Please see also our Code of Conduct.


Development team

Who we are

PegaSys’ mission is to build blockchain solutions ready for production in business environments. We are committed toopen source, and are creating a framework for collaborative innovation for the public-chain community and leadingenterprises.

Our team is composed of engineers leading in the areas of big data processing, applied cryptography, open sourcecomputing, cloud services, and blockchain development.

Learn more about PegaSys.

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