The following is a list of tools that automatically expose a REST, GraphQL, or another kind of API for your database, as well as databases with a built-in HTTP API.
Project name/link | Database(s) supported | API type | Implementation language | License | GitHub stats | Notes |
Apinizer API Creator | Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MsSQL, IBM DB2, SAP Sybase ASE, Apache Impala, Apache Hive | REST | Java | Proprietary (SaaS) | n/a | Generates OpenAPI Specifications. |
ArangoDB | ArangoDB | REST | C++ | Apache 2.0 | 11497 ★; 47767 commits, latest 2021-08-13 | A database with a built-in REST API. Official Docker image. |
CouchDB | CouchDB | REST | Erlang | Apache 2.0 | 5027 ★; 13129 commits, latest 2021-06-23 | A database with a built-in REST API. Official Docker image. |
Crux | Crux | REST | Clojure | MIT | 1435 ★; 6832 commits, latest 2021-08-11 | A database with a built-in REST API. Official Docker image. |
Datasette | SQLite 3 | REST | Python 3 | Apache 2.0 | 5327 ★; 1739 commits, latest 2021-08-13 | Read-only. Official Docker image. |
Dgraph | Dgraph | GraphQL (since version 2.0.0-rc1) | Go | Apache 2.0 | 16473 ★; 5730 commits, latest 2021-08-12 | A database with a built-in GraphQL API. Official Docker image. |
DreamFactory | MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, CouchDB, and others. | REST | PHP 5 | Apache 2.0, proprietary (optional extras) | 1178 ★; 980 commits, latest 2021-06-15 | Official Docker image. |
EJDB2 | EJDB2 | REST | C | MIT | 1229 ★; 2512 commits, latest 2021-08-12 | A database with a built-in REST API. Official Docker image. |
Eve | MongoDB; extensions for Elasticsearch, Neo4j, SQLAlchemy (SQL databases). | REST | Python 2/3 | BSD (three-clause) | 6370 ★; 3303 commits, latest 2021-03-14 | The SQLAlchemy extension isn't automatic. It requires the user to write SQLAlchemy mappings. |
Hasura GraphQL Engine | PostgreSQL | GraphQL | Haskell | Apache 2.0 | 23786 ★; 3331 commits, latest 2021-08-13 | Official Docker image. |
HTSQL | MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite (free); Oracle, MS SQL (proprietary) | REST | Python 3 | Apache 2.0, proprietary (Oracle and MS SQL support) | 8 ★; 1235 commits, latest 2020-08-11 | |
neo4j-graphql | Neo4j | GraphQL | Kotlin | Apache 2.0 | 439 ★; 164 commits, latest 2020-10-22 | Can generate a GraphQL API from an existing database or derive a new database model from a GraphQL schema and auto-generate the resolvers. |
OrientDB | OrientDB | REST | Java | Apache 2.0 | 4334 ★; 20555 commits, latest 2021-08-13 | A database with a built-in REST API. Official Docker image. |
PHP-CRUD-API | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server. | REST | PHP 7 | MIT | 2804 ★; 1922 commits, latest 2021-06-28 | Supports GIS + automatic OpenAPI 3.0 docs. |
PostGraphile | PostgreSQL | GraphQL | TypeScript (Node.js) | MIT | 10561 ★; 1308 commits, latest 2021-08-12 | Formerly "PostGraphQL", Official Docker image. |
PostgREST | PostgreSQL | REST | Haskell | MIT | 17432 ★; 1907 commits, latest 2021-04-25 | Official Docker image. |
pREST | PostgreSQL | REST | Go | MIT | 2766 ★; 1343 commits, latest 2021-08-12 | Official Docker image. |
pRESTige | MySQL | REST | PHP | MIT | 66 ★; 1076 commits, latest 2020-10-30 | |
RESTHeart | MongoDB | REST | Java | GNU AGPLv3 | 683 ★; 3531 commits, latest 2021-08-13 | Official Docker image. |
restSQL | MySQL, PostgreSQL | REST | Java | MIT | 126 ★; 54 commits, latest 2018-10-18 | Official Docker image. |
sandman2 | All supported by SQLAlchemy (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, MS SQL, and others). | REST | Python 2/3 | Apache 2.0 | 1726 ★; 250 commits, latest 2020-12-21 | Official Docker image. |
Siodb | Siodb | REST | C++, Go | GNU AGPLv3 | 36 ★; 250 commits, latest 2021-08-12 | A database with a built-in REST API. Official Docker image. |
subZero | PostgreSQL | REST and GraphQL | Haskell, Lua | Proprietary | n/a | |
tuql | SQLite 3 or SQL infile | GraphQL | JavaScript (Node.js) | MIT | 559 ★; 72 commits, latest 2021-06-06 | |
Webdis | Redis | REST | C | BSD (two-clause) | 2417 ★; 567 commits, latest 2021-08-05 | Supports pub/sub with chunked transfer encoding and WebSockets. |
XgeneCloud | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, SQLite, MariaDB, Amazon Aurora | REST and GraphQL | JavaScript (Node.js) | Apache 2.0 | 1540 ★; 66 commits, latest 2021-05-16 | |
xmysql | MySQL | REST | JavaScript (Node.js) | MIT | 30 ★; 3 commits, latest 2021-05-27 | Official Docker image. |
ZenQuery | PostgreSQL, MySQL, IBM Db2, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server and others | REST | Java | Apache 2.0 | 56 ★; 283 commits, latest 2018-10-16 | Read-only. |
GitHub stats updated 2021-08-15. The commit count and the latest commit date are for the default branch (usually master
For projects that depend on or enhance those on the list see the Related projects wiki page. Feel free to add yours.
Your contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to add a new project to the list or to update an existing one. See CONTRIBUTING for the details.
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are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. By contributing you agree to release your contribution under this license.
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可以从你的映射文件使用一个 Hibernate 工具生成 DDL。生成的 schema 包含有对实体和集合类表的完整性引用约束(主键和外键)。涉及到的标示符生成器所需的表和 sequence 也会同时生成。 在使用这个工具的时候,你必须 通过 hibernate.dialet 属性指定一个 SQL方言(Dialet),因为 DDL 是与供应商高度相关的。 首先,要定制你的映射文件,来改善生成的 s