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Apollo Server 2 how to setup subscriptions
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 宗政霄
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Apollo server 2.0

This project is a good starting point for all the people that want to have apollo-server 2.0 ready to use.It integrates:

  • queries
  • mutations
  • subscriptions (real-time data)
  • authentication and authorisation (using google sign-on as provider server)
  • schema stitching
  • mongo db
  • logger (it will create a file error.log and write on it in case of error - to change the level edit common/util/logger.ts lines 12, 13, 14 )



In the root folder is available a file called .env. It contains all the configuration environment for:

  1. mongodb
  2. google-sign-in as identity server for authentication and authorisation. More info available at http://www.dzurico.com/apollo-server-2-0-auth-with-google-signin/

available commands

  • test environment: npm run dev(it will automatically rerun your code all the time you save and will check for tslint errors and formatting style errors.)
  • production environment: npm run prod

How to configure prettier on your editor:


alt text

VS Code

prettier-vscode can be installed using the extension sidebar. Search for Prettier - Code formatter. It can also be installed using ext install prettier-vscode in the command palette.

Other editors



  1. hello world
query {
  1. fetch all the posts:
query {
  posts {
  1. add a new post
mutation {
  addPost(author: "Daniele Zurico", comment: "www.dzurico.com") {
  1. realtime data (Subscription) for post
subscription {
  postAdded {

alt text

  1. fetch all the users (you need to be authenticated with google identity server):For more information how to setup: http://www.dzurico.com/apollo-server-2-0-auth-with-google-signin/
  users {

For a better explanation on how I setup this repo please refer to:

  1. http://www.dzurico.com/apolloserver-2-0-how-to-create-a-graphql-server/
  2. http://www.dzurico.com/apollo-server-2-0-auth-with-google-signin/
  3. http://www.dzurico.com/apollo-server-2-0-real-time-data-with-subscriptions/
  • 一、MQTT协议配置 为了使用MQTT协议,首先使用MQTT3.1协议的客户端连接到Apollo正在监听端口。Apollo会做协议检测,而且自动识别MQTT连接,而且将连接作为MQTT协议处理。 你不必要为MQTT协议打开一个端口(STomp,Openfire,AMQP等都是自动识别)。如果你一定指定连接的协议,有下面两种方式:你可以选择不用协议识别,而是为MQTT指定连接: <connector

  •         官网英文参考: http://activemq.apache.org/apollo/documentation/mqtt-manual.html  MQTT协议 Apollo允许客户端通过开放的MQTT协议连接。该协议主要是用在资源有限的驱动上,以及网络不稳定的情况下使用,是一个订阅、发布模型。这种驱动通常不适用类似http,stomp这类基于文本,或者类似openfire,AMQ

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