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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 彭阳荣
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Apollo GraphQL

Apollo iOS is a strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client, written in Swift.

It allows you to execute queries and mutations against a GraphQL server, and returns results as query-specific Swift types. This means you don’t have to deal with parsing JSON, or passing around dictionaries and making clients cast values to the right type manually. You also don't have to write model types yourself, because these are generated from the GraphQL definitions your UI uses.

As the generated types are query-specific, you're only able to access data you actually specify as part of a query. If you don't ask for a field, you won't be able to access the corresponding property. In effect, this means you can now rely on the Swift type checker to make sure errors in data access show up at compile time. With our Xcode integration, you can conveniently work with your UI code and corresponding GraphQL definitions side by side, and it will even validate your query documents, and show errors inline.

Apollo iOS does more than simply run your queries against a GraphQL server: It normalizes query results to construct a client-side cache of your data, which is kept up to date as further queries and mutations are run. This means your UI is always internally consistent, and can be kept fully up-to-date with the state on the server with the minimum number of queries required.

This combination of models with value semantics, one way data flow, and automatic consistency management, leads to a very powerful and elegant programming model that allows you to eliminate common glue code and greatly simplifies app development.

Getting started

If you are new to Apollo iOS there are two ways to get started:

  1. The tutorial which will guide you through building an iOS app using Swift and Apollo iOS.
  2. A Playground covering the concepts of queries, mutations, subscriptions, SQLite caching and custom scalars.

There is also comprehensive documentation including an API reference.

Releases and changelog

All releases are catalogued and we maintain a changelog which details all changes to the library.


The roadmap is a high-level document that describes the next major steps or milestones for this project. We are always open to feature requests, and contributions from the community.


This project is being developed using Xcode 12.5 and Swift 5.4.

If you open Apollo.xcodeproj, you should be able to run the tests of the Apollo, ApolloSQLite, and ApolloWebSocket frameworks on your Mac or an iOS Simulator.

NOTE: Due to a change in behavior in Xcode 11's git integration, if you check this repo out using Xcode, please close the window Xcode automatically opens using the Swift Package manager structure, and open the Apollo.xcodeproj file instead.

Some of the tests run against a simple GraphQL server serving the Star Wars example schema (see installation instructions there).

If you'd like to contribute, please refer to the Apollo Contributor Guide.


Who is Apollo?

Apollo builds open-source software and a graph platform to unify GraphQL across your apps and services. We help you ship faster with:

  • Apollo Studio – A free, end-to-end platform for managing your GraphQL lifecycle. Track your GraphQL schemas in a hosted registry to create a source of truth for everything in your graph. Studio provides an IDE (Apollo Explorer) so you can explore data, collaborate on queries, observe usage, and safely make schema changes.
  • Apollo Federation – The industry-standard open architecture for building a distributed graph. Use Apollo’s open-source gateway to compose a unified graph from multiple subgraphs, determine a query plan, and route requests across your services.
  • Apollo Client – The most popular GraphQL client for the web. Apollo also builds and maintains Apollo iOS and Apollo Android.
  • Apollo Server – A production-ready JavaScript GraphQL server that connects to any microservice, API, or database. Compatible with all popular JavaScript frameworks and deployable in serverless environments.

Learn how to build with Apollo

Check out the Odyssey learning platform, the perfect place to start your GraphQL journey with videos and interactive code challenges. Join the Apollo Community to interact with and get technical help from the GraphQL community.

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  • 最近在协助调研 Apollo 生成的代码是否有可能跨 Query 共享模型的问题,虽然初步结论是不能,并不是预期的结果,但是在调研过程中积累的一些经验,有必要记录下。如果你也对 Graphql 感兴趣,不妨先从 Github 的 Graphql API 来切手实践。 关于 Graphql 官网 尽管只是做客户端的一些实践,我还是建议你先过一遍 Graphql 官网的学习指南。这样能更快速地理解概念

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