
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 谭勇
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Knowledge Extraction Recipes - Forms

Knowledge Extraction Recipes

Retrieving information from documents and forms has long been a challenge, and even now at the time of writing,organisations are still handling significant amounts of paper forms that need to be scanned, classified and minedfor specific information to enable downstream automation and efficiencies. Automating this extraction and applyingintelligence is in fact a fundamental step toward digital transformation that organisations are still strugglingto solve in an efficient and scalable manner.

An example could be a bank that receives hundreds of kilograms of very diverse remittance forms a day that need to beprocessed manually by people in order to extract a few key fields. Or medicinal prescriptions need to be automated to extract theprescribed medication and quantity.

Typically organisations will have built text mining and search solutions which are often tailored for a scenario,with baked in application logic, resulting in an often brittle solution that is difficult and expensive to maintain.

Thanks to the breakthroughs and rapid innovation in the machine learning fields of Computer Vision and NaturalLanguage Processing (NLP), reliable options are now available to provide data driven solutions that generaliseand provide high degrees of accuracy in extracting information from structured forms.

Coupled with Azure services this provides rapidly deployable, cost efficient andscalable solutions ready for production workloads.


The goal of this Playbook is to build a set of guidance, tools, examples and documentation that illustrate someknown techniques for information extraction, all of which have been applied in real customer solutions.

We hope that the Playbook can significantly reduce the overall development time by simplifying the decision makingprocess from defining the business problem to analysis and development.

The first focus of the Playbook is extraction of information from Forms.

Intended audience

The intended audience of this Playbook include:

  • Engineering/project leads
  • Data scientists/data engineers
  • Machine learning engineers
  • Software engineers

How this Playbook is structured

This Playbook aims to provide step-by-step guidance for each phase of a typical Forms Extraction project alongside typical considerations, key outcomes and code accelerators per phase. To follow the guidance process see the Walkthrough or dip into the individual code accelerators

Getting Started

The best place to start if this is your first foray into this Playbook is with the Checklist, and then the Walkthrough to ensure that the most importantpoints are addressed in order to build a successful solution in this space.

Terminology used in this Playbook

We refer to the Supervised version of the Form Recognizer service when the argument Use Labels set to True when training, and the Unsupervised version of Form Recognizer as when the argument Use Labels is set to False.

We refer to a form issuer as being the unique source of a form, for example, the vendor of an invoice, or the bank of origin of an application form.

End to end demos

Stage Scenario Description
AutoLabelling and Prediction AutoLabelling Chains AutoLabelling, Training and Prediction on sample invoices
Pre-Processing Remove Boxes RemoveBoxes Shows how to remove boxes that cause OCR errors and find the best image transformation
Get Values in CheckBoxes Detect and get CheckBox value Detects and gets the value from CheckBoxes

Code accelerators

The following code accelerators serve as starting points to try approaches that are known to work for KnowledgeExtraction.Note - these accelerators need to be adapted to your data and tested and profiled, they are not production readyand need to be incorporated into your pipeline and profiled

The code accelerators included are available in Jupyter notebooks, APIs and python scripts that showcase some of the scenariosin this repository using diverse approaches.

Stage Scenario Description
Project preparation Checklist Steps to ensure success
Project preparation Decision Guidance Core decision points
Project preparation Data Structure Recommended training data structure
Analysis Understanding the data distribution Illustrates a simple way to understand the distribution of vendor to invoice frequency
Analysis Understanding form variation Illustrates how to analyse whether variation in a single form type exists
Analysis Form layout type labelling using clustering based on text features Shows an approach which can be used to discover/label different layout types within a big dataset of forms images
Analysis Form layout clustering based on text and text layout features Shows another approach which can be used to discover different layouts within a big dataset of images, taking words and positions of words on a page into account
Analysis Classifying forms Illustrates how to use an attribute based search approach to classify forms for Form Recognizer model correlation
Analysis Routing forms Demonstrates how to use OCR results to find which Form Recognizer model to send an unknown form to
Pre-Processing Image Channel Normalisation Illustrates interactive normalisation, binarization and greyscale conversion
Pre-Processing Remove Boxes RemoveBoxes Illustrates interactively how to remove boxes that cause OCR errors and find the best image transformation
Pre-Processing Conversion Converting documents between various formats such as TIF to PDF, JPG to PDF etc
Pre-Processing Scan skewness Illustrates testing and correcting skewness
Pre-Processing Projection Illustrates how to identify document skew and location of text lines
Pre-Processing Detect and get CheckBox value Illustrates how to detect and get a CheckBox value
Pre-Processing Optical Mark Recognition Illustrates some techniques to determine if a checkbox exists and how to extract it
Training Dataset representativeness Illustrates how test how to test the train and test datasets for representativeness
Training Named Entity Recognition Illustrates how NER can be trained used to identify and extract entities on a form
Training Auto-labelling and training set optimisation Illustrates how forms can be automatically labelled for the supervised version of Form Recognizer
Training Generating a taxonomy Illustrates a simple approach to generating a taxonomy of known terms from the forms
Extraction Custom Corpus Describes an approach to handling a custom corpus
Extraction Handwriting and common OCR Errors Describes an approach how to deal with common errors
Extraction Predicting forms with Form Recognizer Supervised Predicting forms with Forms Recognizer Supervised
Extraction Predicting forms with Form Recognizer Unsupervised Predicting forms with Forms Recognizer Unsupervised
Extraction Using filter keys from a taxonomy Illustrates how to filter the keys extracted from the unsupervised version of Form Recognizer using a taxonomy of known terms
Extraction Table Extraction Illustrates extracting tables with Form Recognizer
Evaluation Scoring Illustrates how to evaluate and score with Form Recognizer


NEW (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

Stage Scenario Description
Invoice Automation PowerApps Invoice Automation using the Power Platform

Example Pipelines

The Pipelines section contains some example patterns and pipelines for Knowledge Extraction using Azure Services.

Scenario Description
Azure Cognitive Search Sample pipeline using Azure Cognitive Search
Azure Kubernetes Service Sample pipeline using Azure Kubernetes Service
Azure Machine Learning Sample pipeline using Azure Machine Learning
Azure Logic Apps Sample pipeline using Azure Logic Apps
Azure (Durable) Functions Sample pipeline using Azure (Durable) Functions

Tips and Best Practices for Form Recognizer

For tips and best practices for managing Form Recognizer models via MLOps and deployment pipelines, view MLOps Tips and Tricks for Form Recognizer.

Example Scenarios

This section contains some documented common scenarios

Scenario Description
CV or Resume Extraction Sample extraction flow for a CV/Resume
Email Extraction Sample extraction from emails
Geolocation Extraction Sample extraction for Geolocation
Prebuilt Receipt Model Sample extraction for the prebuilt Receipt model
Table extraction with Forms Recognizer Sample extraction for Tables using Forms Recognizer
Document Extraction detailed example using JFK Files Sample extraction for Tables using Form Recognizer
Dealing with multiple languages Illustrates a few approaches with dealing with multiple languages
Custom extraction from Japanese forms Illustrates a an approach to custom extraction from Japanese forms
Informative Image Selection using OCR with Form Recognizer Extraction Illustrates an approach to selecting the most "informative" image from a group of similar images before extracting data with the Form Recognizer

Azure Services used in this repository

Azure Computer Vision OCR

Read APIdetects text content in an image using our latest recognition models and converts the identified text into amachine-readable character stream. It's optimized for text-heavy images (such as documents that have been digitallyscanned) and for images with a lot of visual noise. It will determine which recognition model to use for each lineof text, supporting images with both printed and handwritten text. The Read API executes asynchronously becauselarger documents can take several minutes to return a result.

OCR API Computer Vision's optical character recognition (OCR)API is similar to the Read API, but it executes synchronously and is not optimized for large documents. It uses anearlier recognition model but works with more languages

Azure Cognitive Search

Azure Cognitive Search is a fully managed search as a service to reducecomplexity and scale easily including:

  • Auto-complete, geospatial search, filtering, and faceting capabilities for a rich user experience
  • Built-in AI capabilities including OCR, key phrase extraction, and named entity recognition to unlock insights
  • Flexible integration of custom models, classifiers, and rankers to fit your domain-specific needs

Form Recognizer Service

Form Recognizer applies advancedmachine learning to accurately extract text, key/value pairs and tables from documents.

The Form Recognizer has two modesof operation:

  • Custom Model:This mode can be trained to recognise specific form types based on your own example data set
  • Prebuilt Receipt Model: This model is pre-trained (requires no training from you) to reocgnise and extract key data points from receipts(i.e. till receipts, resturant bills, general retail receipts etc)

The Custom Model requires the following for training:

  • Format must be JPG, PNG, or PDF (text or scanned). Text-embedded PDFs are best because there's no possibility of error in character extraction and location.
  • If your PDFs are password-locked, you must remove the lock before submitting them.
  • File size must be less than 4 MB.
  • For images, dimensions must be between 600 x 100 pixels and 4200 x 4200 pixels.
  • If scanned from paper documents, forms should be high-quality scans.
  • Text must use the Latin alphabet (English characters).
  • Data must contain keys and values.
  • Keys can appear above or to the left of the values, but not below or to the right.

Form Recognizer doesn't currently support these types of input data:

  • Complex tables (nested tables, merged headers or cells, and so on).
  • Checkboxes or radio buttons.
  • PDF documents longer than 50 pages.

See more on training Form Recognizer here

The requirements for the prebuilt receipt model are slightly different.

  • Format must be JPEG, PNG, BMP, PDF (text or scanned) or TIFF.
  • File size must be less than 20 MB.
  • Image dimensions must be between 50 x 50 pixels and 10000 x 10000 pixels.
  • PDF dimensions must be at most 17 x 17 inches, corresponding to Legal or A3 paper sizes and smaller.
  • For PDF and TIFF, only the first 200 pages are processed (with a free tier subscription, only the first two pagesare processed).

Azure Machine Learning service

Azure Machine Learning service is a cloudservice used to train, deploy, automate, and manage machine learning models, all at the broad scale that the cloudprovides. AzureML is presented in notebooks across different scenarios to enhance the efficiency of developing NaturalLanguage systems at scale and for various AI model development related tasks like:

To successfully run these code accelerators, you will need an Azure subscriptionor can try Azure for free. There may be other Azure services or productsused in the code. Introduction and/or reference of those will be provided in the code themselves.


Alessandro Jannuzzi

Alex Hocking

Ayaka Hara

Dariusz Parys

Ibrahim Kivanc

Karol Zak

Katia Gil Guzman

Krit Kamtuo

Marcia Dos Santos

Nuno Silva

Ignacio Floristan

Oleksiy Shepetko

Omri Mendels

Pretesh Patel

Raj Nemani

Sergii Baidachnyi

Tomi Paananen

Martin Kearn

Shane Peckham

Mick Vleeshouwer

Jon Malsan

Eva Mok

Mitchell Overfield

Jafar Al-Kofahi

Daniel Fatade

Steve Pucelik


See for contribution guidelines.

Additional References

Please refer to the following fantastic references for additional material relevant to knowledge extraction:

Azure Cognitive Search additional links

General and custom information extraction


Image pre-processing

PDF conversion



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