
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 壤驷深
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET
This repository is porting https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition by C#.

This package supports cross platform, Windows, Linux and MacOSX!!

Package OS x86 x64 ARM ARM64 Nuget
FaceRecognitionDotNet (CPU) Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for CUDA 9.2 Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for CUDA 10.0 Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for CUDA 10.1 Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for CUDA 10.2 Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for CUDA 11.0 Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for CUDA 11.1 Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for CUDA 11.2 Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for Intel MKL Windows - - -
Linux - - -
OSX - - -
FaceRecognitionDotNet for ARM Windows - - - -
Linux - - - -
OSX - - - -
⚠️ FaceRecognitionDotNet for ARM is not tested yet

Support API

face_recognition API Corresponding API Note
batch_face_locations BatchFaceLocations
compare_faces CompareFaces
face_distance FaceDistance
face_encodings FaceEncodings
face_landmarks FaceLandmarks And support Helen dataset ⚠️
face_locations FaceLocations And support to get confidence and use custom face detector
load_image_file LoadImageFile
- CropFaces Crop image with specified locations
- EyeBlinkDetect Detect person is blinking or not
Support Large model and Helen dataset ⚠️
- LoadImage From memory data or System.Drawing.Bitmap
- PredictAge Predict human age.
Use Adience Benchmark Of Unfiltered Faces For Gender And Age Classification dataset ⚠️
- PredictGender Predict human gender.
Use UTKFace dataset ⚠️
- PredictProbabilityAge Predict probability of human age.
Use Adience Benchmark Of Unfiltered Faces For Gender And Age Classification dataset ⚠️
- PredictProbabilityGender Predict probability of human gender.
Use UTKFace dataset ⚠️
- PredictHeadPose Predict human head pose.
Use 300W-LP dataset ⚠️
⚠️ Warning

You must train dataset by yourself.I will NOT provide pretrained model file due to avoiding license issue.You can check the following examples to train dataset.

  • tools/AgeTraining
  • tools/GenderTraining
  • tools/HeadPoseTraining
  • tools/HelenTraining


Face Recognition

Other Face Functions

Face Landmark Age and Gender Classification Head Pose Estimation


FaceRecognitionDotNet support full xml document for Visual Studio.A xml document is written English and Japanese.And you can check online document at FaceRecognitionDotNet API Document

Dependencies Libraries and Products


License: The MIT License

Author: Adam Geitgey

Principal Use: The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line. Main goal of FaceRecognitionDotNet is what ports face_recognition by C#.


License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal License

Author: Adam Geitgey

Principal Use: Trained models for the face_recognition python library


License: Boost Software License

Author: Davis E. King

Principal Use: A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++.


License: The MIT License

Author: Takuya Takeuchi

Principal Use: Use dlib interface via .NET. This library is developed by this owner.


License: The BSD 3-Clause License

Author: shimat

Principal Use: Loading image data by opencv wrapper for example