By Yann Bayle (Website, GitHub) from LaBRI (Website, Twitter), Univ. Bordeaux (Website, Twitter), CNRS (Website, Twitter) and SCRIME (Website).
TL;DR Non-exhaustive list of scientific articles on deep learning for music: summary (Article title, pdf link and code), details (table - more info), details (bib - all info)
The role of this curated list is to gather scientific articles, thesis and reports that use deep learning approaches applied to music.The list is currently under construction but feel free to contribute to the missing fields and to add other resources! To do so, please refer to the How To Contribute section.The resources provided here come from my review of the state-of-the-art for my PhD Thesis for which an article is being written.There are already surveys on deep learning for music generation, speech separation and speaker identification.However, these surveys do not cover music information retrieval tasks that are included in this repository.
A human-readable table summarized version if displayed in the file dl4m.tsv. All details for each article are stored in the corresponding bib entry in dl4m.bib. Each entry has the regular bib field:
or booktitle
Each entry in dl4m.bib also displays additional information:
- HTML link to the PDF filecode
- Link to the source code if availablearchi
- Neural network architecturelayer
- Number of layerstask
- The proposed tasks studied in the articledataset
- The names of the dataset useddataaugmentation
- The type of data augmentation technique usedtime
- The computation timehardware
- The hardware usednote
- Additional notes and informationrepro
- Indication to what extent the experiments are reproduciblePlease refer to the file.
Contributions are welcome!Please refer to the file.
How are the articles sorted?
The articles are first sorted by decreasing year (to keep up with the latest news) and then alphabetically by the main author's family name.
Why are preprint from arXiv included in the list?
I want to have exhaustive research and the latest news on DL4M. However, one should take care of the information provided in the articles currently in review. If possible you should wait for the final accepted and peer-reviewed version before citing an arXiv paper. I regularly update the arXiv links to the corresponding published papers when available.
How much can I trust the results published in an article?
The list provided here does not guarantee the quality of the articles. You should either try to reproduce the experiments described or submit a request to ReScience. Use one article's conclusion at your own risks.
A list of useful acronyms used in deep learning and music is stored in
The list of conferences, journals and aggregators used to gather the proposed materials is stored in
If you use the information contained in this repository, please let us know! This repository is cited by:
You are free to copy, modify, and distribute Deep Learning for Music (DL4M) with attribution under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.This project use another projects and you may refer to them for appropriate license information :
初识deep learning的时候,经常只是把它看成一种更好一些的机器学习分类算法而已;实际上,也可以用一个时兴的说法——它是一种“像人脑一样的”神经元计算。前一种说法大大低估了深度学习可以胜任的应用类型;而后一种说法又言过其实的认为它的能力已经超出了普通的人工智能,基于它的应用已经可以自如的处理实际问题了。 可能对于基于深度学习应用更为恰当一些的认识角度是——它改善了人机交互界面。深度学习系统
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初识deep learning的时候,经常只是把它看成一种更好一些的机器学习分类算法而已;实际上,也可以用一个时兴的说法——它是一种“像人脑一样的”神经元计算。前一种说法大大低估了深度学习可以胜任的应用类型;而后一种说法又言过其实的认为它的能力已经超出了普通的人工智能,基于它的应用已经可以自如的处理实际问题了。 可能对于基于深度学习应用更为恰当一些的认识角度是——它改善了人机交互界面。深度学习系统
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